Chapter 76__I got rid of your rival

Ray heard from an intel from Rays entertainment what happened at the agency that day so he came home earlier than usual.

Miss Preya told him Dorris had remained in her room since she came back home. Ray entered their room and met her in the room. Her eyes is puffy and wet. When she saw him she turned her face to the other side. Ray knew she is upset.

"Babe, I'm sorry",  he told her and sat on the bed.

Dorris scoffed.

" Why are you apologizing?", She turned to him.

"After all, you are not the one that came to my place of work to embarrass me. You are not the one hurling insults at me. Stop apologizing. You're upsetting me right now.",

And she walked into the bathroom.

Ray balled his fist.

If it were to be someone else that harassed his wife like this, he knows what to do but the person in question is his own mother. Ray felt torn. He don't know what to do.

Douglas organized a team dinner to encourage his team members. Sophie took several pictures secretly and sent it to Ashley. She was seating beside Douglas and she took the pictures quite well.

Douglas was in Ashley's place when the notifications pop up.

Douglas was attracted to the name of the sender,husband snatcher.

He casually opened the message and his eyes almost fell out of the sockets when he saw the pictures.

There is a caption under it.

"Don't you think we look good together?"

Douglas almost puked blood.

So this is why Ashley visited him at work. He thought the sophie lady had given up. He saw the previous messages and he was enraged.

"How dare this woman?",  he asked.

Ashley came out of the bathroom.

" Ashley, why didn't you tell me?", he asked her.

Ashley glance at him and saw that he was holding her phone.

"That you are cheating?",  she asked.

Douglas swallowed.

" I'm not cheating!", he exclaimed.

"So what is with all those pictures?",  Ashley asked him casually.

She sat on a chair looking at Douglas who is on her bed.

" I.... She confessed to me but I rejected her.", he told her.

Ashley raised her brows.

"Wow, That's new",  she muttered.

" I'm serious. She even told me she will give up on me when I told her that I'm taken. I wondered why she is still doing this",

Ashley nods several times.

"It's probably because you're so handsome" Then she  stood up and hit her hand on the table.

"Who asked you to be so handsome?",  She asked him.

Douglas widen his eyes.

" You have to kneel on a durian. You cheater!", she told him.

Douglas looked like a child bullied thoroughly by a senior.

'I didn't even cheat", he thought but he couldn't say it out. He could only keep quiet.

Harry parents and Harley parents had decided to eat dinner at a seven stars restaurant.

Harley parent is hosting the dinner.

They all ordered what they will like to eat and the waiters serve the appetizer.

"Congratulations. I heard Harry twin sister just gave birth",  Harley mother said.

" Thanks so much", Harry parents said.

"It must be great to have a grand child.",  Harley father said.

Harry parents smiled.

Soon the waiters entered with the main course. They arranged it on the table and walked out.

While they were eating Harley father dropped a news that almost make Harry choke on his food.

" Our Harley had decided to get married to Harry.", the man saud casually.

"What?",  Harry asked and he coughed. He almost choked on his food.

Ashley sitting beside him pat his back.

" Why don't you tell him yourself?", Harley mum added, smiling.

"We are getting married or do you think it is too early?",  she asked him.

" Not too early.", he said.

He move closer to her and said lowly.

"Didn't you said I have to please you?",  he asked.

" Just take it that you've successfully coarse me. I notice that I'm falling deeper in love for you everyday. What can I do? I have to marry you before you fancy another girl out there ", Harley said.

Harry was dumb folded.

See the way she was confessing to him so casually. As if it is not a big deal.

" Harry, What's wrong?", Harley mother asked.

"Am I in a dream?",  he asked.

" As in, I can't believe Harley will get married to me so easily. Like, did she just confessed to me? Are we sure this is not an imposter? Is this Harley?",Harry asked.

Then Harley pinched his cheeks.

"What us that for? It hurts",  Harry said.

" If you can feel the pain that means you're not dreaming ", She told him.

Sophie adjusted her cloth before she entered the office.

" Sir, you asked of me", she said.

Douglas did not look up at her. He only pass an envelope to her.

Sophie took the envelope.

"What should I do with this?",  she asked.

" It's for you. Read", he said.

Sophie opened the envelope and read it.

She couldn't believe the contents.

"I'm transferred? Why?",  she asked.

" I mean I didn't ask for a transfer", She repeated.

"I transferred you",  Douglas said still not looking up at her.

" Can I ask why?",she asked him.

Douglas glanced at her.

"Do I even need a reason?",  he asked her.

Sophie scoffed.

" Are you doing this because I confessed to you the other time?", She asked him.

"No.  There is nothing wrong with your confession. I'm firing you because you made me kneel on a durian. My fiancee was angry. How dare you send such messages to my Fiancee? Do you want to drive a wedge between us?",He asked her.

Sophie scoffed.

" So you knew"

"I just found out. If I knew, I would have done this and I wouldn't have been punished.",  he told her.

" Is it because she is rich?", sophie asked him.

Douglas raise his brows.

Sophie continued.

"Is she the one that bought the car for you? And the apartment you are living? ",

Douglas laughed.

" What are you implying?", he asked her.

"I can't believe I like someone like you",  she said and storm out of the office.

Douglas quickly send Ashley a message.

" Babe, stop been upset. I got

rid of your rival"


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