12 Sabrina's decision trial

This afternoon, Bramantio was about to meet Sabrina at the police station. He who still does not believe in reality, trying to dig the real truth.

Upon arrival at the police station, Sabrina greeted her father with a smile of emotion that flashed across her lips.

"Thanks, Dad. Come and fulfill my request."Sabrina hugged her father tightly, as if she did not want to let go of the warmth and affection that she so longed for.

"I'll help you if I can, rin."Bramantio rubbed Sabrina's head with the affection she deserves as a parent.

"Look, Dad. at the time of the accident, Reyno. I was having lunch alone in a caffe not far from the office. While my car, in use Santi for lunch to meet hers friend. I don't know who did the hit-and-run either. To be sure, I can help you find the cctv footage in that cafe at the time of the accident, Reyno. Because I was actually in the cafeteria and then back to the office. Then I drove the car at 17.30 after coming from the office," Sabrina explained to her father enthusiastically if Bramantio could find evidence that Sabrina was innocent.

"Okay,dear. I'll collect that evidence. Hopefully you can be free from this accusation, rin," Bramantio hoped optimistically.

"Oh yes, Dad. Please also go to Santi's house to let her family know about this incident. Santi is the key witness, dad. I'm sure Santi knows something about this case," Sabrina advised Bramantio.

"Yes, rin. I'll help you as much as I can. I'm going to find evidence from now on. Be patient, rin. Be good here, pray always the same God. I'll be back soon," Bramantio nodded him head.

Bramantio will optimistically seek the truth for hers daughter. Sabrina is one of Bramantio's most prized possessions.

There has been a lot of suffering that Sabrina has gone through. Starting from being raised without the affection of a mother, then living with a stepmother who often does not do her justice. Even though Mesya is a good stepmother, she loves and loves hers biological daughter, Cantika.

Even this time, Sabrina has to fall and fall into hole so deep, accused of having committed abomination. Even Cantika took part in finding witnesses who could incriminate Sabrina.

Cantika overhears Bramantio and Mesya's conversation at the hospital. Yes, before launching the action, Bramantio first saw condition, Reyno. To later meet his wife, Mesya.

"Mom, Sabrina is innocent. Today I will gather the evidence. Pray for Me, so that this case is quickly completed," Bramantio softly to Mesya excitedly.

'So sister asked Father for help. Just look, I'll find a witness who will incriminate you, sis.'Muttered Cantika in her heart, she hurried to launch the action.

Cantika who has already left the hospital, followed by Bramantio who will go to the caffe where Sabrina has lunch, in continue meet Santi at hers residence.

Bramantio had arrived in caffe. However, the result is useless. When Sabrina has lunch at the place, caffe's position was no interference, power failure. As a result, cctv could not record Sabrina's whereabouts at that time.

Bramantio's only hope is, Santi. Key witness if he was the one driving Sabrina's car on the day and time of Reyno's accident.

"Assalamualaikum!" Bramantio knocked on one of the doors of an existing house in an elite residential complex in Central Jakarta. The home address was given by Sabrina at the police station.

"Waalaikumsalam! Who are you looking for, Sir?" replied the occupant of the House who momentarily opened the door and came out approaching Bramantio

"Is this true with Santi Lestari's House?" Bramantio asked the middle-aged woman who opened the door for him.

"Sorry, sir. I don't know. I just moved here, so I don't know who the previous owner of this house was." Hearing the woman's answer, Bramantio fell down listlessly. I don't know where to look for Santi, Sabrina's friend whom she doesn't recognize at all.

Nothing, Bramantio came home in a lethargic state like no power. For a moment he pulled aside his car just to think, what path to take for Justice Sabrina. Bramantio who had cared for Sabrina from infancy, knows very well the character of her daughter. I'm pretty sure Sabrina is innocent. However, the evidence he had been looking for was not immediately found.

The ambitious Cantika is sitting next to her husband, Reyno. Yes, today Reyno had been transferred to the VVIV inpatient ward. However, Reyno was unable to speak and move his legs. Reyno occasionally dripped clear grains from his eyeballs, he did not expect with the current condition that is paralyzed.

"Patience, dear. I will make sure the perpetrator of the hit-and-run is languishing in an iron jail cell," Cantika softly told her husband, Reyno.

"Take it easy, dear. I will take care of you until you recover, if we need to go abroad for therapy," added Cantika.

Last week, the first trial was over. Today is the verdict hearing for Sabrina. Everyone is getting ready to hear the trial decision from the judge.

Cantika, who is ready to watch Sabrina sit on the chair in pain, wants to invite her mother, Mesya. To be present at the trial.

Before leaving, Cantika tried to reach into her device in a bag to call someone.

"Don't forget after you testify, you left jakarta," Cantika hissed at one of the eyewitnesses during Reyno's accident. Then she hung up the phone and walked into hers car.

Today, Sabrina, who has been wearing black and White, walked into the conference room with tight security. There were already seen all the family members from Reyno's side, as well as Sabrina's family. she walked with a faint bow, she has resigned herself to all the decisions that the judge would give. All efforts have been made Bramantio, heess father. But the result is useless.

'How could santi make me have to sit in a chair in pain, you just go incise the problems I has to face. Without mercy, without conscience you disappear without leaving a trace.' Sabrina's mind as she sat on a soft black chair but so painful.

"Our trial is open." The judge opened the trial. It was like the roar of a lion about to pounce on its prey.

Furthermore, the public prosecutor along with all the witnesses who came from nowhere, expressed hers testimony on oath. Sabrina could only surrender with all her limitations.

As if struck by lightning, Sabrina's heart broke after listening to the judge's narrative. Tears that have been unstoppable have menyanak River on Sabrina's clear cheeks.

The sentence of 5 years in prison so severely broke hers heart that she could not bear such a painful wound. Sabrina's body fell on the floor and she was unconscious.

the police officers picked up the unfortunate girl to then be taken to the health room