18 Azka getting curious

"Nazwa! Tell Sabrina to get ready. Today Azka will take him to the doctor," said Mrs. Yeni who deliberately approached Nazwa.

"Oh Well, Mrs." Nazwa walked quickly to the room where Sabrina was resting.

"Rin, Rin! Get up quick!" Nazwa tried to gently pat Sabrina on the shoulder who was fast asleep because she was not feeling well.

"Yes, Naz. What's up?" At once Sabrina woke up and turned to Nazwa who was sitting behind her.

"Wash your face, get ready. The boss said You wanted to go to the doctor now." Nazwa said so hastily.

"You know why you have to go to the doctor everything, was already taking cold medicine. Soon also healed," said Sabrina began to feel strange.

"I don't know, Rin! Hurry up, get ready to be afraid of being angry if you argue," Nazwa said to Sabrina.

"Mrs. boss, besides being kind, we are also attentive. So we should be grateful not to be able to argue," she continued.

With a slightly limp body, Sabrina hurries to go to the bathroom to clean her face first and then change her nightwear into more modest clothes.

Sabrina walked slowly out of the House facing Mrs. Yeni who was getting ready to go to the airport to pick up her husband, Yuzril Assegaf.

"Excuse Me, Ma'am." Sabrina respectfully greeted her boss's mother and lowered her head.

"Oh, it is, Rin. You were with my son because the driver wanted to take me to the airport," said Mrs. Yeni who then rushed into the car she had been waiting for.

"Wait, Mrs. I will take public transportation," Sabrina told her boss. She began to feel something was wrong when she found out that Azka was going to take him to the doctor.

"No, rin. You're sick, you can't go alone! Already, it's okay to let Azka take you. I had to hurry to leave. Already yes!" Mrs. Yeni said from the car. Immediately, the driver who had turned on the roar of the car immediately stepped on the gas and drove down the highway which was crowded with passing vehicles.

Sabrina began to feel uneasy. It was like she was starting to fear the young master who was getting more and more creepy by the day.

"Hey what the fuck! Come on in!" Azka shouted from her car telling Sabrina to immediately get into the four-wheeled vehicle.

There was no other option for Sabrina. she entered Azka's car not far from where she was standing.

'Gotcha! pretend everything hurts. I know the taste!' Azka murmured as he spread a scary smile on her lips making Sabrina feel like she entered the lion's den.

Sabrina took a deep breath. Calm the contents of his chest that began to feel restless. She put on a safety belt and occasionally glanced at Azka's very suspicious face.

"What a driver you think I am! Move forward!" Azka grumbled at Sabrina who was sitting in the back seat.

"But, Sir!" Sabrina began to get more and more agitated.

"I told you to move!" curtly Azka.

"Yes sir," Sabrina got back out of the car and moved to the front seat side by side with Azka.

Azka began to step on the gas pedal of her car, driving slowly.

In the middle of the trip, he occasionally glanced at Sabrina who was beside him. Then a look at her front car mirror steals the opportunity to see Sabrina's face. However, spontaneously he stepped on the brake pedal at once because he realized he was about to hit a pedestrian who would pass.

"Oh my god!" Sabrina who was shocked immediately shouted because her forehead headed the dashboard of Azka's car.

Luckily Azka borrowed the brake pedal on time so he didn't have time to hit a pedestrian passing in front of him.

"You're okay, right?" It was with guilt that Azka examined Sabrina's reddened eyebrows.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to," Azka said nervously. I have no intention of hurting Sabrina. Her plan to prank Sabrina is immediately dispersed and quickly takes Sabrina to the hospital.

"You're okay, right?" Azka asked while driving his car with focus, he did not want his carelessness just repeated.

"It's okay just dizzy," said Sabrina while massaging her forehead which looks red.

This time Azka felt guilty. He who initially thought Sabrina was pretending to be sick suddenly began to be touched by seeing Sabrina's condition which began to shiver from the cold especially just now he made Sabrina's forehead red as a result of her actions.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Sabrina seemed unable to walk. With alacrity, Azka immediately approached the car door in which direction Sabrina was about to get out. Azka tries to help Sabrina by exposing her to the examination room. He began to feel Sabrina's body temperature was quite hot from his wrist.

"The feeling doesn't get this hot, only 35°C. Why is she so hot now." Azka inner while still walking holding Sabrina's hand to help her not to fall.

The doctor examined Sabrina and prescribed medication.

"You wait here, I want to buy medicine first," Azka said to Sabrina.

Sabrina nodded her head and sat alone in the waiting room.

However, his eyes were shocked when she saw a man sitting in a wheelchair accompanied by a tall woman behind him.

Sabrina turned her face away, it was like a fright. In a state of weakness, she tried to step out of the hospital room to avoid a couple of were not far from his position. Fortunately, the couple was unaware of Sabrina's whereabouts.

'Why do you have to see them both here,' Sabrina's inner being began to sad see her dark memory as if reopened by the presence of a married couple earlier.

"Hey what are you doing here? I told you to wait in the seat," Azka grumbled, who had just found Sabrina in the parking lot near her car.

Sabrina did not answer Azka's question. With a sad face, his eyes occasionally turned towards the entrance of the hospital, making Azka amazed.

"What's wrong with you? Just ask silently!" curtly Azka.

"Nothing, Sir. I'm sorry," said Sabrina as she got into Azka's car and sat in the back seat.

Sabrina's attitude makes Azka even more curious about her goal of entering Assegaf's residence as a domestic assistant.

"I need to investigate this guy." inner Azka is full of questions. Quickly he got into the car and drove his four-wheeled vehicle slowly.

He saw Sabrina's face in the mirror. Sabrina's face was full of sadness, even Azka saw once in a while Sabrina wiped the clear water droplets on her cheeks smoothly.

Sabrina deliberately sat in the back seat so Azka could not see if she was sad.

This time Sabrina made Azka even more curious.