28 Girlfriend one night

Azka rubbed her face with her right palm which was starting to look nervous. His heart started to beat faster. He took a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

I don't know what happened to her feelings. He began to shake off his admiration for Sabrina and forget about it.

After 30 minutes had passed, Sabrina came out of the make-up room with a very different facial appearance, her hair was so nicely done that it fell beautifully and captivated the eyes of every pair of eyes who saw it.

"Master how?" Sabrina asked while standing right in front of Azka.

Azka looked up right at Sabrina standing, he was so mesmerized by Sabrina's beauty that he couldn't even blink her eyelids. Staring at Sabrina's entire appearance, from head to toe

''Wow, it's so beautiful,'' Azka thought, starting to recognize Sabrina's beauty.

"Hello, sir!" called Sabrina while waving her hand.

"Okay!" Azka, who was shocked, immediately stood up and walked to the administration to take care of the payment at the boutique. "Let's go," said Azka, unconsciously, his hand gripping Sabrina's hand as he walked out of the boutique to his four-wheeled vehicle.

Sabrina who was wearing Heel's stilettos suddenly started to be fooled by her footsteps. She was about to slip and his body was about to fall to the ground. Luckily Azka managed to thwart the incident, Azka swiftly grabbed Sabrina's hand and caught her body in Azka's arms and circles.

Suddenly, the two of them hugged each other tightly. Azka felt a different warmth from Sabrina, the contents of her chest were pounding even harder when Sabrina's breath which was so fragrant was blown through her nostrils. They both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds until they both realized and each released his embrace.

"Sorry, sir," said Sabrina, blushing shyly as she removed her hand from Azka's shoulder, which previously seemed to be holding on so tightly.

"It's okay," replied Azka as he released both of his hands that had wrapped around Sabrina's hips after a few seconds of hugging her to help Sabrina not fall. "It's your first time wearing a Stiletto Heel, isn't it? It's so tacky that you want to fall all over!" he added.

"In the past, sir. It's just that it's been a long time since I've become stiff again," replied Sabrina, blushing over what had happened.

"For tonight, don't call me sir! Especially in front of my friends. Call me Mas Azka, you understand!" Azka said in a voice that went up an octave again from before.

"Yes, sir," Sabrina replied, nodding slowly.

Azka, who started walking again, turned towards Sabrina.

"Oh sorry. Yes, Mas Azka." Sabrina corrected her words with her lips slightly widened to the side, smiling so sweetly. Makes Azka even more impressed.

"Ah! Come in." Azka dismissed his admiration for Sabrina and walked into his luxury car. He then drove the four-wheeled vehicle and drove to steeven's engagement event.

The two of them had arrived at the location of the event, and all of Azka's friends greeted them with enthusiasm because this time Azka brought a different woman from before.

Yes, before that Azka often traveled with Paula, a woman who had just broken up with him a few months before because she was caught cheating.

1 year of relationship and ended with Paula's affair with Azka's own best friend.

Tonight, Paula, who was also present at Steven's engagement party, was astonished when she saw Azka carrying a woman who was more beautiful and elegant than herself.

"Hey guys how are you?" said Azka while shaking hands one by one with his friends.

"Who is this with, Bro?" asked one of Azka's friends while straightening his index finger at Sabrina.

"Meet this Sabrina. New girlfriend, Bro!" With confidence, Azka introduced Sabrina, who that night was like a cinderella accompanying her prince. Sabrina looks so nervous now and then that she takes a deep breath and neutralizes her feelings.

"You don't have to be so nervous, don't be shy. Got it!" Azka hissed right near Sabrina's earlobe.

Sabrina nodded her head as a sign of understanding at her master's orders.

"I'll take a drink first," said Azka to Sabrina.

He then stepped his foot intending to get a drink for Sabrina, his footsteps were followed by Paula.

"So you've moved on from me?" said Paula who was right behind Azka.

"You think you're the only woman in this world, huh?" Azka replied after turning her body towards Paula.

"At that time I was mistaken, I already apologized!" said Paula grabbing Azka's palm.

Last month Azka accidentally found Paula making out in a nightclub with a man who seemed familiar to her, namely her best friend.

Azka recorded the incident and sent the recording to Paula and said goodbye.

Until now Paula could not accept Azka's decision. And keep trying to repair Azka's heart that she has broken.

"Please don't discuss your past here, I don't want to hear it anymore," Azka replied as he threw Paula's hand away and then left.

"Honey, this is your drink," said Azka to Sabrina who was deliberately so loud that Paula could hear it.

"Thanks, Mas," Sabrina answered, amazed to see Azka's treatment which was so different from usual.

"Let's move places, honey, it's a bit hot in here," said Azka, deliberately making Paula even more furious.

Seeing Azka's treatment of Sabrina further fueled Paula's anger. She will not remain silent and intends to investigate the Azka couple.

Tonight Sabrina was spoiled by Azka's treatment, walking hand in hand and romantically Azka occasionally tidied Sabrina's hair which was starting to blow in the night breeze. There was no pretense between the two, Sabrina and Azka managed to play the story tonight and managed to deceive everyone by pretending to be a couple.

After Steven's engagement ceremony was over, Sabrina and Azka got ready to go back home because it was already late.

They both walked towards Azka's parked car. However, suddenly a woman's voice called out to Sabrina so loudly.

"Sabrina!" shouted a woman at a loud enough volume.

Hearing her name being called, Sabrina immediately turned to the source of the voice.

How surprised she was to see the figure of the woman who was standing behind him.

"Oh, so now your job is like this? Being a call woman? It's just not right to go home!" accused the woman who had just approached where Sabrina stood.

"Hey keep your mouth shut!" Azka snapped defending Sabrina.

Azka, who had already walked ahead of Sabrina, immediately retreated to the woman who was currently his girlfriend, even though it was only for one night.

"You cheap bastard!" The woman insulted with a wide look on Sabrina's face.

"Your presumptuous!" Hearing the insults of the woman who was right in front of Sabrina, immediately ignited Azka's emotions which almost slapped the woman's left cheek. However, Sabrina managed to thwart it by pulling Azka's hand and walking away from the rude woman.