chapter 4 she meets them

When she got back to work she wasn't expecting her eyes she meet them she couldn't take her eyes off the one she always wanted KIMINI. she greet them and rush inside to prepare milkshake for them but the manger told her that it was of no use that the boys were about to go to a show this afternoon and it wasn't right for them to eat or drink. Ok , replied gwhain.

she kept looking at kimini but he doesn't like her he asked her have you never seen a handsome boy like me before. yea, i have seen many even the one who betary's walks in Miles, hey guys what is happening .nothing we are getting ready to go for the show why aren't you dressed yet it's getting late ,i dont wanna go why don't you . it's a must or you won't get paid after this month this is the second time, rush toward miles and kimini. jung, hey you two shouldn't forget that am still the leader and kimini what your problem leave mile alone it's his life why are you so worried. no am not worried i just feel sorry for him .he picks his jacket and leaves gwhain didn't expect that the boys fought and usually have problems she tought that they live happily and didn't fight she asked the most quite among them and also shy, howdo you feel in this group, he resonds i feel good with it they are my fmaily even if they fight i still love them. no i did'nt ask you that it's that if you are not occupied that where is kimini off to, he gazed at her and said do you have a crush on him already i wasn't expecting it to be that far. NO i don't it's just that he is my bias, not just mine all girls bias. yea he sure is handsome but he is harsh sometimes with us he has this problem you will get use to it if you can pass the test which is him then you will stay and we could talk everyday. yea i will for you all i wanna help, miles walk toward her . so it's you that is the new maid, yes but am not a maid am like a nanny who takes care of you like your new mum, giggles as miles chuckles and looks in her eyes wow i have such a beautiful nanny fan, i think so . am gwhian am from south but i pefer living here in west, ok i hope we get along it's time for us to go to the show , but what about kimini he is already there that is his habit.