There's a stalker

why do I feel like someone is following me or is it just me I don't think so it's been two days now and still feel strange about it sometimes when I walk past the cafeteria I feel like someone is look at me or is it just my stupid beautiful reflection I have to jot so much things on my dairy wait my phone is ringing

" hey what up "

" am good and u"

" what are you talking about"

" you got a call from my company why wait when you get back home we could talk ok "

" I also have something scary to discuss to you"


I don't understand does that mean they found out that I know her but why will manager allow to apply something is fishy

I don't know what it is but I will solve it if possible

oh my God am late I gotta go. ' run fast as we can but actually it wasn't me there was really someone I bumped into my ex classmate . yeah it happened I wasn't ever expecting to every meet those who made my life a living hell in school. he looked different and strange he smiled like we had something back then I excused myself and ran of I kept on looking back because I felt like I was being followed I need to get the bus or a cab what do I do am getting nervous and anxious about this thing do I talk to someone yeah

I know the perfect person miles

"I took the bus and got to work late as we all know the manager was waiting for me at the entrance"

" you are welcomed any time you know same goes with your pay check if you don't give this work your best do you know why I employed you "

" yes sir I do so i could help the boys with domestic things and others like house keeping and cooking making sure they are ok "

" what time is it now for you "

" it's 8 : 45

what time are you supposed to be here as a normal worker

" 7: 49 "

" I had to support you by employing someone you know don't act like you don't know she's waiting inside she will be your supporter and also she will work as their assistant"

" but that was supposed to be my promotion work sir "

" if you can beat next week record then I Will thinking of promoting you let's see what you got . To work now .

" yes sir "

I wasn't expecting what I saw sonja was already so friendly with them it's like they forgot about me is that even possible

miles how is it going, good .

your friend is here , I know infact it's like you guys prefer her I think so .

no we don't says kimin. get to work am hungry" wait what didn't she cook "

; she did but kimin didn't eat says Miles

" miles are you sure you like her as an assistant or something else it's not like I don't understand and can't see

my phone rings

" hello who's this"

; it's me Kaze.

"ehh Kaze "

" yeah we just met and u ran of like you don't remember me I was your first love you know don't u miss me "

, I was Afraid and didn't know what to do I hung up but he called again I don't know why his doing this I screamed drawing the attention of the others

" are you ok gwhain"

' yeah am ....not ok Kaze is stalking me I don't know why all I did back then was saying I can't date you because u not my type and he dropped out of school that year and his bully's got arrested"

" sonja ; I remember it like it was yesterday but what does he wants from you '

" so he was that weird dude that was spying on you the other day'

" what how did you know him .

" can't say " am Afraid of going home alone and ohhh my God

" do you mind if I keep you a company then which would you prefer a ride or we take a walk together.

ok; thanks.