Ch. 30 Inventory


She was alone the next time she woke up. And she was grateful for it. Her body seemed fine, other than a few scratches and the bruise that were forming on her arm.

She slowly tried to move her limbs. She started with her toes and her fingers. They wiggled on command and she sighed with relief before testing her leg. It bent and she could lift it at the hip. The same with her arm. She turned her head to the side, then the other. Good. She had full access. The last test was to make sure she could roll over and support herself enough to attempt walking.

Gently she put some pressure on her arm, and things seemed to be alright, so she put a little more. She kept going until she was completely on her side, her arm taking the brunt of the weight.

She did it, and she still felt ok. Even more gently, she inched her leg towards the edge of the bed, then the other. She slowly pushed herself up and let her feet fall to the ground.