The Weekends

Why do people always call it love at the wrong time? Is that kind of love really exists?

Why do people try to hide the fact that there will be no right love at the wrong time?

Why do people end up loving a person who can never become ours?

She keeps stealing glances at the couple in front of her. She's trying hard to hide the pain inside her heart, unheard...

Is that all there is to it? She couldn't help but whisper it to the wind and blew it somewhere no one could hear her pain.

She doesn't have enough words to express what she is feeling right now, but the loneliness is lingering in her body aching to be felt.

Do we really have to sacrifice our own happiness for other people? It is just one of the questions that keep on screaming inside her head.

Like a sky, her head is clouded with thoughts.

As she felt the wind on her skin, she couldn't help but hug herself thinking this too shall end... but when?

She could do nothing but hug herself from the cold wind. At the same time, her tears were mixed with raindrops.

Her heart and mind are full of regrets... of things, she couldn't do and did not do to save her heart from breaking.

If only he hadn't made a mistake that would be the end of everything... everything wouldn't have been this complicated.

She knew she couldn't afford to lose him. Even if she wants to hug the man she loves the most, she has no right. All she could do was watch him from afar.

Her heart will be free from all the pain... not now, but someday it will.

It will find the love who's worth all the pain and heartbreak.

"CUT!" everyone cheered as the Director calms everyone on the set including Rana Mae who was still crying after her scene. "Well take everyone."

From across the place, Shavinna jumps into her, "You outdid yourself this time." She's sobbing hard as well as she comforts her crying best friend. "I can feel your pain," she said as she hugs her.

Rana's tears kept going. Her eyes keep on crying no matter how hard she stops herself. She look up when Jin handed her a handkerchief with his smell on it, "Good take, Mads."

She raised her eyebrow at him, thinking she heard him wrong. But even before she could ask him, he is already nowhere to be seen. "Jin is weird," Shavinna said laughing giving her that look.

Oh, this is what he smells. "I like how his perfume smells, a manly type of smell but not too strong. He is like a soft baby and a daddy at the same time." a confused crew commented when they smell the handkerchief.

Rana Mae felt embarrassed, "This sure smells good." she second the motion as the production crew looks like they are waiting for her response.

"What did he say? Mads? Who's mad?" another crew commented. She did not hear him wrong. He was really calling her by that name.

Even before the topic became too serious, Rana Mae, took Shavinna out of the set to get some rest for a while. "That was the longest take of my life."

It was! It's a one-hour continuous take with four different cameras to avoid. "At least we get to rest for the longest time as well."

The two besties laugh as they handed each other a warm chocolate drink.

The lock-in taping proceeds as planned. No reporters nor out lookers can see what's really going on inside the set.

A few of the family members of the team are staying, but they are not allowed to use their phones on the set to capture some scenes.

They are really taking this drama seriously since it is a comeback drama for Jin, who spends his last years rehearsing and dancing.

Nimfa is having a hard time adjusting her schedule with the lock-in taping that is happening.

Her two kids namely Shavinna and Rana Mae kept telling her that she doesn't have to come and see them because they are adults who are capable to take care of themselves.

But, she just couldn't leave them alone in the wild.

She knows that the two ladies went there for work, but not all of them are like Rana Mae, and she knows how thin her patience is when it comes to dealing with people.

All were shocked to hear girls screaming outside the location.

Eljin's excited fans look like they are partying outside.

"Jin!!" everyone got excited when they saw the running Kaleb. Across the set, a silhouette of six boys is walking closer to them.

The crew felt excited when they exactly knew who they were, "Vaughn!" He replied running back to him.

Everyone was laughing around, finally, seeing the usual Jin who tells his Daddy jokes. "The kids reunited," Uno whispers enough for the two to hear.

Nathan, the leader of the group is happily watching them. "Bro, you look good!"

"I know you guys would miss my face," he even winked at them. The staff was watching them like they did not meet for two months.

Uno, took his time staring at them like he was about to fall asleep when Jimmy, hugs him as well. "No sleeping in the set."

Everyone is happy and excited seeing The Weekends get all giddy just by seeing each other, "Don't tell me you are hungry." The six guys turn around in a familiar voice of a woman and they immediately gathered around her.

Even though Uno is her best friend, they rarely interact with each other while people are watching. In this industry, interactions with one another mean issues. "How are you doing?" Harold, the sunshine of the group starts talking.

"As you all can see, I am still breathing perfectly," Rana replied with a smile on her face.

Of course, they know each other. "You should call us seniors though." Uno interrupted them with crossed arms.

"Senior suits you well, Senior Uno." She said teasing him. It's not new to him though, his nickname is gramps in the group just because he is always sleeping.

The staff needed them to leave where fans could see them.

The crowd grew even more because it was known that the seven men are now together in one place.

Of course, they have that lots of fans. They are all good-looking and a group of talented men.

Rana and Shavinna needed to be on the set. Since Eljin just finished filming his scenes.

It's easy for them to act together. Even if what they have to do is funny, they can manage it very well.

The seven boys have gathered inside Jin's room. They can't be scattered outside and Shavinna might run into them again.

Well, it does not look like it, but Shavinna is their friend and enemy at the same time. She hates them to the bone because she feels like they are stealing Rana away from her and it is unacceptable.

"What do we have here?" everyone looked except the uninterested Uno. "The seven plagiarizing boys are gathered here."

Uno simply sneered at him with his arms crossed. Jin, as the eldest, activated his patience. The youngest ones look like they are about to punch the man in the face, real hard, "You mean seven talented hard-working boys?"

Rana, went inside the room uninvited. She took some brushes from his table and smiled. "You are borrowing those?"

She nodded her head, "Sorry for intruding but when I knocked no one answered so I let myself in."

This media always hated her guts, but who cares? It's not like talking with him will feed her employee. "Oh, the Rana Mae."

Everyone knows inside that was a bad comeback. But Rana is more than that woman, "Yes, I am Rana Mae."

To their surprise the seven boys lined up, "Hi, I am Jin, the visual and the vocal of the group." and he did his usual pose to attract women. I mean, he doesn't have to try hard. Just standing there is already giving them that much.

Rana knew how Uno is stealing glances from her, as she is blushing from the corner. "I am Nathan, the leader so expect me to speak a lot.."

"Uno, I'm good at sleeping and when I am awake I rap." Short and precise coming from our gramps as he is still snickering between Rana and the media.

Harold started popping and his smile brings joy to everyone. "I am Harold." The six gave them the look, oh, that's not it. He's just warming up. "I dance with my heart, and rap with Nathan and Uno."

He did not even try shaking hands with the guy in front of him. "Hi, I am Jim." His eyes are flirting with everyone again! This is why he was named the flirt of the group. "I hope we can get along well."

The odd one, and yet the most childish but he is not the youngest though, "I am Vaughn. Jin calls me V every time and I sing along well with him, Jimmy, and Kaleb. Nice meeting you."

Kaleb is eyeing the bread on the table when V pokes him in the arms, "Hi I am Kaleb and I am hungry." The youngest and the center of the group.

Rana smiled happily at him as she pinched her in his cheeks, "I have chocolates in my room." She said ignoring the fact that out of habit they introduce themselves.

Kaleb happily hops to join her ignoring his six brothers calling him, "and who are you?" Uno asked full of sarcasm. He wouldn't just stop there, all right.

That earned a smirk from the rude trespasser, "Why don't we all sit for a while? and if you have anything you want to ask you can ask nicely." Nathan, emphasized the last word with a smile on his face.

He is calm and collected at all times not because it is his personality but because he has to be. "But I am too tired to have an open conversation with anyone right now. So, if you could please?" Jin asks him to leave politely.

V and Uno are stuck in their own world and the reporter has no choice but to leave the room, "So, what do we eat?" The cute Kaleb started pulling the hem of her shirt.

"I am kidnapping Kaleb." she got involved with them again and she needs to get her ass away from them or else that man's attention will be with her.

She inhaled deeply and surely the kid with him noticed, "I know you were really there not for the brushes." Not even an innocent kid eating his chocolates can see through her. "I am happy that you stay the same."

She neither deny nor confirm what he said.

But, yes. She saw that guy went inside the room and he brings nothing but a piece of bad news to everyone.