
It had rained yesterday. Mercilessly, as if there was a battle going on in the clouds. Consequently, everywhere was freezing cold, and made obscure by a thick fog. Hasn’t it been for the tiny ray of sunlight in the sky, the day was as good as bleak.

Lane 114 highway was no stranger to gridlocks, be it on a sunny day or at a time like this when all everyone wanted to do was curl up and sleep. And yes, today wasn’t different. Trucks, cars, all manner of vehicles were present, however, it wasn’t the usual Friday evening traffic. Something more sinister was the cause. Police officers were stationed around, making one inquiry or the other. Motorists were beside themselves, shocked to learn of what had happened.

The body of a young man had been discovered earlier in the morning. His body had badly decomposed but there were still evidence of a vicious attack. The deep gouge on his throat said it all.