Chapter 2: Status report

The bus stopped again and we were gaping right at a campground full of cabins in a picturesque forest. Dimpsy climbed out without a word marching toward the biggest cabin.

"This is nice," I said but the others were on edge wary as if a bomb would drop.

"Okay daisies, this is our stop"

She said Commander Wayne accompanied her in a brown uniform and a hat with a tree patch on it and an ascot.

We had to stand at attention

"I suppose Dimpsy gave you a good time"

"Sir no sir!"

He cackled. "We're in a no technology-themed exercise this year"

"Seriously?" I asked

"No, this is all a cover. Right this way" He signaled and started to walk then turned to the crowd.

"A_at ease. Pack your stuff"

We walked into the largest cabin and grimaced at the dusty space, it appeared that no one had been here for years.

Ew Sick! They chorused as he lifted a dead mattress and metallic slide lit with neon light showed.

"Let's hope you have a happy landing with those cabooses of yours" Dimpsy cackled.

"One at a time" Lucas instructed.

I put my two feet in after tossing in my bags and slid down, with zero friction, I landed on the other side and bounced off the cushion.

Surprised to see a house full of bots conveying luggage, a bot did a full scan on me.

[Welcome Agent 6268]

[Commencing update on chamber access key, please put out your watch]

The rays focused on my watch till the light turned green.

[Update successful You have been assigned to room 36 at the E-Squad section...

You are advised to remain in your section until sessions begin]

"E-Squad?" I murmured to myself then beamed teleporting to the green center, I looked around, bots were passing out tablets to people.

It inclined to me, I declined the offer and walked past it. A crevice opened and it tossed out a package.

"Hey, you!"

I winced at the commanding voice and turned. It was one of the sentinels at the base. He was holding a package.

"This is a misplaced package. Are you Agent 3670?"

"Misplaced?" I chuckled nervously waving my hands. "3670, clearly not"

"The person receiving this was supposed to be here and I'm looking at only one of you. Report to the captain's quarters now"

He sounded severe.

"I'm supposed to stay indoors"

He rolled his eyes and generated a slip to walk the halls freely.

"You have only ten minutes"

He dumped the package in my hands, I gave out a stifled cry walking down the square from people's view.

Why did the number sound so familiar? I didn't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me again. I sauntered down the hall to a bureau, the doors opened.

In the captain's office again, Mondel sat back, Lucas was around and so were a few other important-looking officials.

I stiffened at the setting as eyes fell on me, Mondel assured me I was safe.

"A package was missing" I reported, Lucas read the stamp.

I glanced at the boy with a low-cut, he looked very familiar, his blue eyes flashed, he was wearing blue overall with a watch.

I couldn't believe my eyes at who I saw, that was when the numbers clicked, he stood up to take the package from me and nodded and uttered a raspy 'thanks'

"We're offering Agent 3670 here a prerogative since he's the only one closest to Ex- Agent Stygian during her operations"

Quinn nodded walking to a monitor, he tapped on a globe and expanded it with his hands pinpointing states in the US.

"I got intel from the intelligence agency in the League, that the serum is still being dispensed Nationwide"

"Yes Grey, we know that"

He sighed "We start from the center of it all. Detroit, Michigan. There are odds that pints of the serum Sith fabricated had been pilfered, my guess is Clyde Jamieson"

The database updated and shuffled till it swiped out a shot of a man with his hair dyed white from the rest of his dark undercut, he smiled with his whole face and yellow teeth.

I choked at his photo.

"He sure knows how to show off those nasty set of teeth," Dimpsy said folding her arms, she had black hair with purple streaks, square shoulders and a nice physique, she worked at the combats division.

"Those are dentures" Quinn corrected and they grimaced. "Clyde is an assassin in the Lumen, he usually takes care of deadweight agents or anyone capable of jeopardizing his assignment"

"We don't want assumptions, Douglas, we want substantial evidence" Wayne encouraged.

"That's why I'm going to undertake the investigation"

"You may be acquitted however your operations are going to be impeded for the time being until we know you're ready to be committed"

The major referred, I could see the adam's apple on his neck bob, he nodded.

"I can help" I offered and the officials exchanged glances.

"Penumbra, this is an important mission, just because you deterred Mind game doesn't mean we'll be sending you off missions all the time. You're green now, keep your head in the game"

"But this is the game, I've worked with the brains, and with Quinn's expertise, we'll be nailing these baddies in no time"

Dimpsy frowned "No, this isn't some happy-go-lucky adventure and we can all go home when we find the treasure. You could get killed"

I felt a chill the instant she said killed.

"I believe your ten minutes were up a long time ago, get going" She pointed at the barrier.

With my hands on my sides, I walked out of the bureau and gasped when someone yanked my hand pulling me back. I turned to meet Dimpsy's intense grey eyes.

"That purple lighting on your faces wasn't hard to miss. If I ever catch you using your abilities to get out of hard tasks. So help me, you won't be nimble enough to use them...ever"