Chapter 5: Grudge Match

Emma folded her arms at Quinn in black uniform when he approached them.

"Something stinks in here" She confided leaning over to me.

"Oh God, it's 3670, traitor, daredevil, traitor" Blear chattered with eyes full of curiosity and he tilted his head in her direction.

"Could you excuse us, please?" Emma referred to Blear.

Blear pouted then pointed in the opposite direction "I'll catch you later" She said to me and mouthed 'wow' walking away.

"Look who's back, how was rehab?"

"I didn't go to rehab"

"Really? That's where you should be"

"Look, I'm not here to ask forgiveness." He confessed with slits for eyes.

Emma scoffed folding her arms "Well what are you doing here? Why are you talking to us?"

I touched Emma's shoulder for her to calm down, she shoved my hand off and stood up to Quinn.

"Kristen died because of you"

"You're not gonna let this go are you?" He maintained a calm expression.

She huffed "You sick bastard"

"Correction, Sabrina killed Kristen, not me. If you want to get even, you can dig your way six feet to the ground at Detroit"

I craned my neck with my ear to him as if I didn't hear him correctly. "Stygian is dead?"

I saw a glint in his eyes and he lowered his head wiping his nose. "Yeah, the serum attacked her system as the old one before it was perfected, it's poisonous."

"Good" Emma mumbled with a harsh tone.

"Thanks for what you did back there," He said to me.

The spot under my eye ticked and I nodded.

"The bureaucrats approved and I need help, the other agents are occupied"

"Well...good luck to you" Emma took my hand and we shuffled down the alley.

"Emma, he needs our help"

"No, he needs leverage so he can stab you in the back and get revenge" She poked my shoulder.

"He's taking advantage of you"

"Just like you took advantage of me at the beach?"

She took a deep breath "This is serious"

"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" I pointed out.

"So you're gonna leave? what about your training?"

"I could use a break from Dimpsy."

"Darcy" She groaned.

"And you need some action to make up for the last time with Mind Game."

She had no expression on her face, I nudged her rib again and punched it, her abdomen was solid from all those practice hits she took.

She glanced at Quinn, he didn't balk.

"Fine, after this, end of story" She separated her hands, I nodded.

"If he double-crosses us again, I'm gonna kill him"

"We're going with you" I concluded for both of us, Quinn placed his hand on his arm.

"They have us under supervision so they're gonna know where we are"

"Where you are" Emma corrected.


We walked to the artillery room where a man named Jet stood in place Sith. He pointed to two blasters then grappling hooks and a black box with other weapons.

I glanced from Quinn to Emma "What about me?"

He opened a compartment and pulled out a suit with green tracks.

"Of course," I said grimacing at the green get up, he touched a micro alteration that caused the color to switch from green to red, to purple.


"Don't we need the antidote just in case?" Emma asked.

"We're going on an investigation not going hunting" Quinn retorted taking the firearms.

"Oh I was going to ask what the guns were for two but okay" She shrugged grabbing her equipment.


Quinn led us to a jet at the hangar and we strapped in while he flipped the switch powering on the plane, I watched the roof fold up and the jet engines flared.

No one said anything since we left base. I looked through the glass at the clouds

"You can fly a jet too? oooo" Emma sneered at him.

"Don't push it, Emma" He mumbled when she reached for a switch in front of her.

"Do not call me that"

"What does it matter? That's your name, right? I don't see anyone else letting their impulse lead them by the hand"

"You calling me impulsive?"

He scoffed and flew in silence but I could feel the tension, folding my arms, I wondered why we had to fly on a plane when I could just jump us there.

"Okay then, I'll push this button and this one"

Emma tapped the buttons randomly while they argued.

I screamed when my seat ejected from the plane into the atmosphere


The wind whistled as I spiraled into the atmosphere on my chair, I unclasped the belt and flew up toward the jet knocking on the window.

Quinn looked relieved mouthing "Get in"

"I'll be flying thank you very much"

I reckoned beside the jet. Looking right ahead, I screamed happily boosting myself onward, I was starting to lose altitude after a bird flew in my face. I let the wind drag me back to the plane latching on and spitting out feathers.

"Okay, let me in now" I tapped on the glass.


I passed them a concerned look after Quinn touched down in a ring in the woods before we started for the road ahead.

"Where did you say Jamieson lived?"

He shook his head "It's not that simple, he learned to stay off the radar. Plus it's been months"

"So we're wasting our time" Emma declared as we crossed the road.

"No, we have to retrace our steps to the Lumen lair"

She scoffed "No way"

Quinn turned to her with a calm expression "Alright Emma, what do you suggest we do?"

"We go to his favorite spots"

He grinned nodding slowly "Right, how about we hit the nightclub and see if he's nursing a glass of soda"

"We're going to the hideaway"

"No, that place was destroyed months ago, we're going to his favorite places to be!"

I clapped my hand on my face.

"This is my assignment and you do what I say and how I say it, do you understand? You almost endangered Darcy's life now if you're going to nurse your little grudge, do it at home!"

He spat in her face with veins appearing on his neck, Emma stood there tight-lipped.