Chapter 28: Scatter brain

Mitzi Schmidt walked into the table to lean on the desk arms folded. Formally known as Düster, she was drafted to Mexico on her first voyage.

"Did you find anything, sir?" She asked Wade

"He's clean" He swiped off the holograms

Roland laughed "I'm flattered, is this a joke?"

She still had her German accent and there was no way a German spoke to him on the phone.

"No, it's the real deal and you're imposing," She said with a spot-on American accent.

He chuckled "So the secret government is real?" He sighed surprised at his judgment.

Alyssa couldn't believe what she was hearing, she held out her hands at Wade and Mitzi

"So, you two are.." she moved uneasily rubbing her twisted neck then clearing her throat. "Um, secret agents?"

"We need to know where you are hiding your evidence," Mitzi said to Roland.

Roland nodded for a moment crossing his legs and pretending to survey the room.

"Mister Stevenson" She referred to him and he ignored her.