Chapter 37: The Outlander

The school was closed to the relief of many, they had to take classes online while the city slowly got back up on its feet.

She wrote a message to Blear and continued enrolling in the academy not coming close to even surpassing the E-squad.

She pulled on a black vest, pink pyjama pants and stepped down on her shoes and walked to the door flicking it open. She was in Detroit where she could train and study, it was easy to run between two cities and she missed the cold.

Swinging on the hammock, she gazed out the window at the shooting star. She took a closer look and fell short at the man walking down the road toward her place.

She braced herself with a bottle and gasped keeping it down.

He looked as good as new, his green eyes glowed scanning her in the dark by the brackets.

"How did you get in here?"

"Through that portal" He pointed at the door.

She groaned slapping her forehead.

"Look, you have to get out"