Chapter 47: Second thoughts

He touched Darcy's shoulder "We must get there faster"

"I'm at my speed limit, genius" She shrugged and concentrated on the road.

He glanced at the speedometer and brought out his phone and pressed the fingerprints, they lit up as soon as he did.

The car powered up and dashed past the intersection before the lights turned green.

She screamed trying to swerve out of harm's way getting back on track, she lost control

Tapping the fuel tank after they stopped.

"Great, just natural" She slammed the door shut while the engine cooled off, setting a hand over her eyes at the sun.

They walked to the beach after the end of the broken road.

Darcy's eyes dwindled "I know this place"

Nova put out the cube where they stood and there was a mild earthquake.

She tumbled and held his arm when the ship emerged from the water cooling them with a light spray.

It blocked the sun and floated, she gazed at the horizontal silver and bronze ship with three corners,