Chapter 81

Taking the gun into the small kitchen with her, she retrieved a water glass and filled it with water to ease the pain in her throat. She knew she needed blood right now, but she didn't have the heart to drink it. So she went looking for some water instead. Although Selvo didn't require mundane food or drink for nourishment, his modest home had apparently been outfitted for human residents, but he was without blood.

Blanca tried to ignore all of the pain and death taking place outside her shelter. She focused all of her concentration on the clear liquid as her fangs extended. God, she was so thirsty, and the water tasted like acid rain. She breathed in, waiting for the thirst to lessen after a glass of water, but nothing happened.

She tried again, praying for something.


But the water gave her nothing. "Dammit." She heaved a sigh, closing her eyes and lowering her head into her palms.