Chapter 111

"The corrupted magic is bleeding through that connection, into the larger grid. The land's generator is very slowly infecting all the others. The barriers that protect the cities of humanity from the plains of monsters are breaking down. If we don't fix the problem and purge the wild magic, every barrier on the continent will come down, opening the door for monsters to flood the humans."

They stood beside the barn-sized statue that seemed to be looking at Blanca, "This is weird, it looks like I'm watching myself," she added, counting the dust wolf on the floor. There were some brick wolf shadows and glass bunnies too. If she got lucky, none of them would spontaneously come to life. Stranger things have been known to happen on the plains of monsters.

Dimitri was talking on his phone to Damian. He had it on speakerphone so she could hear it too. Eavesdropping was so much harder with human hearing.