Chapter 118

"Yes. That's exactly it." Michael nodded as he gazed at Blanca.

Ellon replied. "He cheated. That is the issue here. To use a human expression, he wanted to have his doughnut and eat it too."

Goodness, OK, then that was it. Blanca could not listen to this nonsense any longer. She walked forward. "I wouldn't use expressions from the misguided cynics of humanity. But guess what? Of course, Dimitri wanted his doughnut and to eat it too. If I get a cake, what am I going to do with it? Does he put it in a glass case, up on a pedestal, and throw it longing looks throughout the day? No, if I get a doughnut, I'm damned well going to eat it. There is an objective for doughnuts in the universe, and that's for them to be eaten. There's nothing more real than that."

Ellon Achyls gave his hand a dismissive wave. "You were not given permission to speak, little girl. Especially not to speak such nonsense."