As the two powerful beings' conversation continued, a series of unlikely events all occurred at the same time on the farm above them. Outside, Leo and his vampire knights, and Danny with Aya's witches were holding out to see when Aya finished her counterspell so they could go to the underground entrance. Although it was a letdown, she realized that the enchantment on the gate had been applied in such a way that it could only be opened from the inside.
Above the maelstrom of rage that Blanca had called out, Aya's archangelic magic voice could not be heard. Blanca's call for her earthly power had caused earth-shattering energy that had created a huge crater, splitting the sky in two. The entrance to the cave was full of flashes of lightning, thunder that had them almost deaf, and sheets of sleet that lashed the farm like they were little needles.
Aya was certain that the vampire seer was furious now. And so they hurried towards the dark native cavern.