Mikael and Ericka

“For now, why don't we eat first?”

Mikael said and seated himself in his seat.

“Oh! are you jealous Michael? here's your food.”

Marco sneered at me. Did he see me looking at the two?. He opened the plastic bag and took a pack of burgers and placed it on my desk.

“Eh... thanks.”

“Nah! it's nothing.”

He waved his hand and winked at me. Gross!!

Until now I can't read his thoughts, just what kind of brain he has, there's a time that you can't even feel his presence and sometimes the opposite. Marco ahh...

I glanced at Ericka but I noticed someone peeking from outside. I didn't remember that someone is looking at these two in the first episode.

I looked at the burger in front of me and contemplated.

in time, after school... I am the only one who knows what will happen to these two. The manga says that they just act normally after the first event but ... If we are in the real world there's no way a normal person can do that... and especially Mikael...

I glimpsed at him and clenched my fist.

‘Thinking that he didn't even bother-’

“Are you trying to stab him with your eyes?”

Ericka whispered. I didn't notice that she was looking at me. I looked at her and her food before I opened my mouth.

“Na... Nah... it's nothing I just thinking of something,” I shrugged, scratching my chin.

“Then don't look at someone like that... ”

“Ahh... sorry, my bad.”

Did I offend her just by looking at Mikael like that?... no... I just overthinking it, but what should I do...

I shoved my face into my desk.

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! Don't remember her naked body! it's just a manga! a manga you damn pervert!


Mikael and Marco chuckled. After I realized that I unconsciously wriggled my body in some weird ways, I stopped and sat properly.

How ... embarrassing, I thought as I felt a warmth roused on my cheek.

Hours passed and it was already the end of today's class. As I tidied my table, I watched Mikael and Marco chatting at the door. Those two just how they been so close in just one day.

I glanced at Ericka who was walking in the direction of Mikael and Marco.

What should I do?...is it better to leave things as they are? or stopped them... but what will happen if I messed up the story?... It could be best not to interfere and just leave it...


I glimpse at Mikael and Ericka.

“Aaaahh, it's so damn hard.”

As the event goes, I found my feet following their direction on autopilot. Honestly, I felt a bit hesitant, and my heart was so warm since earlier. But what could I do?

“Then... where are we going?”

“There's a playground near here... we used to play there a long time ago... do you remember?”

I heard them chatting as I followed them and hide at every corner of the street.

“Yeah, now you said that, it's been a while since we last visit that place.”

“We're always there every day a long time ago...”

“We used to visit the playground after school. I wonder when did we stop doing that,” Said Mikael and let a light laugh.

“Who knows...”

“I miss running around there. You, me, and Arisa. Oh right, did Arisa tell you about anything? I haven't heard a thing from her for a while.”

ah! I remember Mikael always bringing Arisa into their conversation whenever they are talking just the two of them. I thought as I maintained my position where they couldn't see me.

Ericka stopped speaking and walked a bit faster.

“Hey wait, aren't you a bit excited?”

Stupid Mikael read the freaking situation!!

“No... It's not like that. Anyway, we're here.”

I waited for them to enter the playground first before I followed and hid at the entrance of the playground. I saw Ericka sitting on the vacant swing while Mikael is looking around like a kid.

“Oohhh... it feels nostalgic.”

Mikael stood in the back of Ericka and gently pushed her.

“Look! Ericka, it's still here!”

Mikael then rushed to the old seesaw like a child and looked under it. After a second, he returned in front of Ericka and showed her a small white marble.

“It's the rock that Arisa took from the pond near here and hid it under the seesaw... I remember she said she will hide her treasure so no one kids will know it but just one look anyone can see it.”

“Say, Mikael...”


Mikael stopped and looked at Ericka.

“Do you want to do it with me?”

Mikael looks confused.

“What do you mean?”

I bit my lower lip as I listened to them from the playground entrance. It's too fast... in the first place why did the author put the first event this early.

“Do you want to do that thing?”

I was shocked after I heard those words from Ericka, I already know that this will happen but to hear it in real life and not just read it in the manga... I didn't know what to say.

“What are you saying, Ericka?”

Mikael laughed lightly and shrugged his shoulder.

“Do you want to have sex with me?”


“Something is bothering me. So I want to find out what this thing is and why I feel like this.”

Ericka said and put her hand into her chest. Now I remember why Ericka's like this, ever since she was a child, her parents and relatives always compared her to her sister. From her academic performance and her behavior, her parents always say that be like Arisa. Well, Arisa and Ericka are opposite, unlike Ericka, Arisa is so cheerful and likes to put herself in many different situations, she was an honor student back in her high school days and- ... ah! I suppose to cheer up Ericka but instead, I bragged about Arisa.

“Would it be awkward for the both of us? see, we're always been together ever since we are young. I know you and Ericka out of all people besides my family and...”

“That's why!” Ericka suddenly raised her voice. I felt my heart skip a bit. “That is why I am asking this to you and not to anybody...”

“Ericka...” I muttered under my breath.

My chest felt heavy and a second later, something cracked inside my chest. Suddenly, I began to question myself. Why I am here?... I'm not supposed to be here... hey... I'm not from their world even if I stopped this event...if I stopped this... will this world collapse? and I will force to back to my world?... I can't do that.

I silently walked away from the playground. I knew it didn't have to be me, I knew someone from our world will recognize them and stopped this event... Eventually, I ran away until heavy breaths came out of my mouth. After running out of breath I halted and put my hands on my laps. I noticed a few signboards while running but they didn't matter.


Marco suddenly came up in my mind. Marco is the one who recommended the manga to me, I'm sure he can help.

I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and navigated his name on my contact list. As I found it I hastily dialed his phone and wait for him to answer, foot restlessly thumping on the ground.

“Yo! Michael, what's up?” Glad, you answered.

“Marco, where are you?”

“Whoa, no hello or anything, Michael? Do you miss me too much?”

I noticed a signboard on the right as I decided to go back to the park. I just realized how dumb I was, letting my emotion to conquered me. [Dahlia Street] Dahlia street was two to three streets far from the playground.

“Marco, I'm in Dahlia Street, can you come here?”

“Hmm... Why? I'm pretty busy right now.”

I stopped walking.

“Do you remember the manga that you recommended to me last summer? The Black Rose? they are real, the characters, the scene... even the school name changed. Marco the fi-"

I heard him giggle. it isn't the time for playing around!

“Hey, take it seriously!” I yelled on the phone.

“O sorry sorry...my fault. I'm just wondering what in world are you saying. Have you accidentally hit your head somewhere? Did you take a ton of medicine and now drowning in illusion? Stop bothering me, I'm busy.”

I heard him pulling away from his mouth from the phone.

“Wait, Marco.”

“Why? I told you I'm busy. Oh, and what are you talking about the manga recommendation? I didn't recommend anything though.”

I didn't speak and just stand in the street for a while. Am I the only one who knows that they are real?... wait no it can't be...

“Hey, Marco one last thing...”

“Just be quick.”

“What is the name of our school?” I waited for his response intensely.

He sighed before he answered, “It's Hikarino and always Hikarino. What's wro-”

Damn it!

I didn't wait for him to finish talking and hung up the call. I hastily ran back to the playground.

That explained everything... he didn't look surprised that the school name suddenly changed and that he didn't even recognize the main character from the manga even if they are right in front of him. Did it means I am the only one who knows that we are in their world... or they are in our world...

“I'm so stupid! I should have know it from the start”