Chapter 6

I woke up it was time to go to school got prepared and went downstairs for breakfast. On my way there I got a text from Brendon...

Brendon:Hey beautiful you shouldn't worry about anything but you'll just have to get used to this everyday day. Have a nice day.

Me: Ohkay thanks I guess?

Brendon:No need to thank me beautiful. If you need to talk to someone I'm here consider me as your online friend for now.

Me: ok friend I'll keep that in mind.

Luckily I saw Lilly in the kitchen making breakfast I thought that she left me. I joined her and we ate breakfast

"Ohhh Chris is doing a great job at making you smile, you can't even put your phone down whilst eating", She giggles.

"Shut up", I say while laughing and my eyes still glued to my phone.

After,we walked to school. I met Mel in class.

"Hey Mel guess what! ",I shouted and the whole class turned to look at me, it was awkward but I couldn't care less about that.

"Bring em up I'm all ears hunny ", Mel said shouting either.

So we went to sit at the back of our in the corner on top of the tables and told her everything that happened during the weekend. We kept laughing and giggles almost the whole class could hear us. She was so shocked and overwhelmed at the same time.

"But friend I have to war--", she was about to finish but the bell rang. We went to our IT class : Educator- Mr Beckons.

Every leaner feared that man he was one of those strict teachers who go by the rules.

I call them the goody shoes. No one dared to disturb or do anything stupid in his class, it was always dead silent.

"Ok class good morning today's lesson will be about speeches", he said.

The whole class sulked. He continued with the lesson on and on and on. Before the bell rang the intercom suddenly went on and the principal announced that:

"All Learners who want to join sports can come and sign up in the office now!"

The bell rang and we all stood up.

"Before you leave I'm giving you up until the month after the next to prepare your speeches about life. You can choose whatever topic but it must be about life. No late submissions please I'm giving you enough time. Have a good day.

We walked out...

"Are you going to sign up ?", Mel asked

"Hell yeah I'm going for athletics, you?",I said with excitement.

"Netball",she smiled.

I then signed up on the athletics column and checked our coach and it was... Wayne? "I wonder that is...",I wondered looking at Melissa.

"Woop there he is... The guy with great hair and a great body huuuuuu. ", She said looking behind me, in the hallway. I turned and looked at the guy.

Him?? Again?? Oh so this is the same Wayne, and Mel is right this guy is hot, he sure has great hair and the perfect caramel built body. I can't imagine what hot stuff is under that shirt. Oh shit what am I saying...

He went and stood in front of the the table where Learners signed. He said that all his team athletes must meet him on the track at break time.

We walked to our classes and proceeded with our lessons.

At break I went to the track and met the others there he came and we started exercising. Everytime he kept eyeing me now and then.

We/They then started sprinting. We going to run 5 laps so I just jogged behind them.

Wayne or let me say coach kept on screaming and shouting at me to run faster till he got tired, I only just smiled at him because I knew what I was doing. I could see that he was pissed by my smiles at him. On our last lap I then sprinted off like a dog was chasing me and became number 1.

"Monica!!",he shouted for me to go to him.

I walked to him.

"What's up coach?"

"Meet me after school, today ,here got it? I need to discuss something about your performance." He said with a straight face looking into my eyes.

"Can't you tell me now?", I raised my eyebrows looking up at him.

He raised one eyebrow.

"Okay after school, today, here got it.",I said.

The bell rang

He announced, " Okay Gyz we're done for today see you tomorrow."

I packed my bag, when I turned to leave a blonde slender girl was standing in front of me.

"Oh hey--", she cut me off

"Don't hey me, I've seen how you look at Wayne and I don't like it. Stop flirting with him! Stay the hell away from my boyfriend! okay sweety?",she said with a straight face.

"Hunny I'm not flirting with your so called boyfriend, and point of information :he isn't my type",I said waving my hands in midair.

"Oh drop the act! ", She exclaimed.

I laughed in disbelief and walked past her and went to class.