Chapter 13

"Next time show some more skin babe you're gifted what you're wearing covers more of my assets.", We had arrived at the party.

"Whatever, let's go." I shrugged.

I'm sure you know or can imagine how teenage parties are loud enough music that could burst your ears, crazy drunk teens all over the place disco lights and everything was just extravagant and over the top.

We went to the kitchen which was dimmed red. All sorts of alcohol was there I took a red cup and poured red wine and drank it all in one go.

"That's my girl!one more" He cheered for me pouring a liquid in my cup.

"Is this still wine?" I shouted


"Is this still wine??" Again

"Speak a little bit louder I can't here you!?"

I shook my head and then gulped down the liquor at first I choked on it and my chest burned then I went slowly on it.

Next minute I feel a little bit dizzy and the sensation goes from my head all the way down to my feet I start to loose balance but I feel good.

"Schnukums I want to go and dance come on!!" I said dragging Chris along with me.

We were on the dance floor, I danced my heart out I dropped that shit down like crazy and people were cheering cause I was the centre of attention or let me say most of the people were entertained.

On the corner of my eye I saw what I hated in guys the type who forced themselves to girls and what made my blood boil was that he did that to the wrong person. I walked over to them with fury.


I gave him a punch on the nose. " Fuck bitch what the fuck though?" He said wiping of the blood dripping from his nose.

Eyes where on us.

"Nigga you dare touch her again I'll make you eat your balls for supper, leave her alone." I attacked.

"C'mon she knows she liked it huh baby girl." He went closer to Mel.

"Ooh wipe that stupid grin off your face, come on Mellisa." I dragged her with me and we went outside near the pool and she stopped me before I let her hand go.

" Nica wait" I turned to her," Look I'm sorry for making you angry but my friend I love you and care about you I just don't want you to get hurt but I don't regret warning I hate this bad vibe between us and-"

"Shhhh, AAAAH!!" Before I could say anything we were pushed into the pool and we managed to float then giggled.

We faced each other and held hands.

"Mel I missed you so much it hurts, I'm sorry for saying that you're jealous and I know that you are looking out for me but I'll manage babe I'm good... now come on give me a hug."

We hugged and laughed now this is something to remember mending our friendship in the pool.

We got out and went upstairs to the bathroom to dry our selves up.

I got out first Mel still in the bathroom. I was busy drying my hair when I saw Chris down the hall kissing a girl in a corner.

I dropped everything and walked over to them.

"Chris what is this?" I grabbed the girl by her hair to the side and punched her. I was a bit tipsy but you could swear my punch was so strong as if I was sober. My gaze was on him.

"Berries not here okay." He whispered

" Fuck that Christopher why are you doing this to me?" I pushed him over to a wall. Oh no I wish I hadn't , I could see his ice cold eyes as he dragged me to one of the bedrooms, I tried to remove his hand from mine. "STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME CHRIS STOP!!"

He locked the door and pushed me against it.

"Baby girl you shouldn't have talked to me like that now I'm going to punish you." Chris choked my neck with his hand no words could come out I was struggling as I called, "C-C-CHRI-IS A-WW!!" he threw me on the bed getting on top of me hungrily tearing the black lace.

I cried,screamed and screamed tried to kick him off then I kicked his balls so hard he rolled off to the other side of the bed. I ran to the door and quickly opened it and ran out, pushing everyone on my way to the side. Behind I could her Mellisa calling me.

I couldn't care less about where I was going but I ran on the street. I turned a corner and I stopped to breathe then without looking I crossed the road. I heard a hoot , I saw a very bright light and all went black.

"NICAAAAAAAAAAA!!" A person screaming my name was all I heard then everything was silent.