Chapter 3

Earlier this morning I woke up and checked the time, it was 06:30am I was so late.


Message notification on my phone.

Unknown: Good morning beautiful ,I was just checking on you. I hope u r feeling better after yesterday's incident have a great day.

The hell... who's this. I think to myself .

Cellphones could be the death of us. Waking up without a single word escaping our mouths and being on our phone. Imagine let's say five hours later when we put our phones down and try to speak/receive a call, nothing comes out .


I met Mel and we talked about what happened last night. We even forgot to do our homeworks.

Mr Davis's physics period are as boring as always. He talks slow as if he's got all the time in the world and I've noticed that he has this annoying thing of saying, "No. No, you're not listening to me..." when he asks if we understand and we say yes.

I finally get through my day.

A cousin of mine who's my age and had lived here longer than I have and went to a different high school but closer, her name being Lilly was coming over to visit us for a couple of weeks, so after school we met and walked together since Lisa had to go to her mom's work.

It's Friday afternoon I'm walking with Lilly home and her classmate(Chris) who we'd met along the way had accompanied us. As we were walking they were talking, chatting and laughing with me on the other side walking with them quietly.

Something about him tickles my sensations as I steal a couple of glances at him. It's probably his Model C accent, his gentle attitude or the way he licks his after laughing or after he says fuc...

"Why are you so quiet?" Lilly asks.

He stares.

"What do you want me to say?" I throw back with a question too.

"I don't know but you've been quiet the whole time you barely said a word so far." she replied concerned.

"Just thinking about stuff nothing much." I say

When we reach the gate of our house ,Chris whispers to Lilly he winks and leaves.

"Ayt" she says giggling.

I heard what he said and right there my adrenaline rushed through my body and my heart quickly skipped a beat. We get into the house and up to my room.

As we are changing into our casual clothes Lilly bursts out of excitement and says

"Nic nic monic?"

"What have you done now?" I ask.

"What makes you think I've done something " she says laughing.

"Because I know you... whenever u call me by those nicknames it's either you need a favour, you're in trouble, you've got something to tell me or you've messed with my things" I smirk

"Yeah whatever ... It's about Kyle , He said that he... likes you." She gives the best of her diva smile and those and-don't-you-dare-you-know-he's-hot eyes

*A few seconds of silence*

"So...?"she pushes

"Sure he's cute and all but I don't want to date okay I'm still doing good ALONE. Relationships are a lot of work" I try to play it cool.

We talk about this for hours and hours with giggles , arguments and ended up talking about her past relationships and all that girly stuff till midnight when we realized that we skipped dinner.

We walked downstairs and ate in the middle of the night then off we went to sleep. I had forgotten about my phone so I switched it on and my notifications of many messages and calls start popping in. I notice one from the same unknown number it reads...

Unknown: good night beautiful sleep tight...

I reply with :Who are you?and where did you get my number?

I see multiple of calls from Mel so I call her back.