The begining

The war queen

In an land far way, called the lands of elves, but the elf gods of time didn't stop thir, they know darkness and creatures was going to take place on the lands, to protect the lands in North, South, West and East. They created protection kingdoms all over the lands, to blessed in peace the lands. North, South, East, and West, they created peaches kingdoms all over the lands. To cleanse and rally the lands in time in need. North, South, West, and east, they created war kingdoms all over the lands, everything is set in motion of time, after the old step up to Supreme see their youth grow up and crown find their frirnds, and queen and king. Have an family of their own, watch their grandchildren grow up, they perish into the sky to take their place beside their kin, this are the days of elvin, welcome to the land of elf, back to the story. In the war Kingdom called Rich wood, after seven day slumber the war knights and their queen has awaked, now it is time to rally agian, Sana walked out of her and into the globe room, "[ war my wife good morning,] said. Tharron, the war queen Seldanna and her chieftains, about nineteen miles away from Rich wood war Kingdom, is the Rich wood Peace kingdom, some peace rulers not married or have family. Do not ask me why? I do know why, back to the story, They ride up, " our war queen send us to guard you until she returns, she is o an seven day rally, said. Kali, they got off their horses and got on the castles wall,they ride up,when the wild dogs ran through the gates," Rania flaming wheel, Keenor flame wheel, she gave her orders,they got off their horse, they spin their bows around and fire as her war cavalry charge up hack and slashing them down as they are getting pierced with arrows, " amazing what is her name, asked. The peace queen Silvanna, " we can give out our Queen name without war permission. Said, Ceada. " you are going to have to ask her your self, said. Saida, they got back on their horses in put their bows on their back, in the war cavalry got back in line, they ride up, as she ride up to the gates, she walked down the stairs and out of the gates, " you are amazing, what is your name if in peace I may asked? Asked. Silvanna, " I am the war queen called Seldanna Roren, my war comander Sana Roren my daughter, my guards will aid you, they are good at war, pick by me,of their war kin blood line, " you married? " every war rules are married with kids, our Knights are married with kids, our kids are married with kids, I do not aid without meet with my husband and son,and son in law, you are safe now, (Theodas my war King,)-(" no,no,and no, Seldanna, she want protection she need to seek a protection king or queen, see you at camp.) Said, Theodas. "( understand my love put our sonon, have he decided on marriage?) Said, Seldanna, " this is all I can do , there is a protection kingdom near, if they not out send a message out to her. Move out, they rode out the gates up the valley, "( I agree with dad why is she calling on you.) Asked. Theodemer, up West War king Theodas on a eight day rally with his knights, " ( who in war knows my son. Does have the pleasure welcome an new daughter in law?) Okay the rallies is to cleanse dark portals, and get rid of wild animals. Back to the story, [ " why you two in a hurry to get me married in war?] Said. Theodemer, " son all the Goodreads female elves in your mothers cimpany,[ war tell do you have any that is free?] Asked. Theodas, "[ war yes, five, I think you should give an war dance a chance,]-[" no when I find the one I will. ] said, Theodemer. They rode through the war gates," Darshee head out, said. Seldanna, *[ when that be when war will that be, when we war old?] They rode them, as Theodas and his Knights ride down the hills, back at the peace Kingdom, Lusha walked out of the door, what do she want, lets find out, " your queen has a family?* we all got war families, our husbands and sons are with the war king in Scotch wood, they wind is picking up. " [ Our son hasn't find the one in war?] They rode up to her scouts, " the war camp is two minues, to the left is a hive of wild dogs. Said, Darshee. " move out, "[ son how can that war be? Are you even trying to find her?] Daylor head out, said. Theodas, he rode pass them, they galloping through the woods, at the hive. So here they are wild dogs, time to clear them out, back to the story. She send forward her war knights, they fire flame war arrows down on in Sana lead the war knights down the hills, as the arrows pierced them the cavalry slaughter them, they ride up the hills the stop firing put their bows on the backs. " war mother, what is your well. " days ride to the camp, set fire to the borrows, War commander." I not war fit for this mother you know it I know it, war Christians set war fires! " I see a great war commander before, like your grandmother saw in me, size it is traditional that the only daughter of war become war commander, so you will step up as war queen, creating your own war knights, they set fires to them and join their commander and queen, they rode down the lands, heading to the war camps, up west, they rode up the scouts, " the camp is to the left, and * Dark elves* in the center, said. Daylor, " lets closed and cleanse the land, archers ifanty, " charge war knights, they rode down the valley, arrows fly down the sky piercing them, as they ran down the lands slaying them cutting them down, they closed the portal,and cleanse the land of darkness, Theodas rode up to them" regroup! Father I of war ready for this, said. Theodemer, " I see in you what your grandfather saw in me, making of an great commander and king, days right to the camp, our wives few minutes away soon we get their, we see our sisters and mothers, they regroup and rode up the lands , that is a happy reunion, when are you going to merge kingdoms, back to the story.