The war camps

the war

All the war kingdoms is at the same war camps, in her new war retired, she walked out of the tents. " these are your in war to take notes when she speaks write down everything she saids, said. Sana, " okay thank you? she on her way out? Asked. Lusha, " she with father war night, in the morning set out on rally, get a plate of fish,and lambos and ash and smoke Ali. Then pick an tent to slumber, you see and hear our queen speak. Said, Sana, she walked in her tent. Theodemer walked out of the tent up to the smoker, he got a river leaf start to help himself, Lusha walked up. " would you like some fish and bread? Asked. Theodemer, " who cooked this," my nother, when we are together in war, i, my brother in law, and father supplied the food which is


Suger-cane berries,


lambos bread,

and smoke, and my mother and sister prepare the food and Ali, they wonderful cooks, here tried some ash fold fish and labor bread , we eat twice once at camp and when we are at home before we slumer, said. Theodemer he put some on a leaf, " thank you, you said Ali? " yes what you in peace drink, we drink berry juice, " food, drinks slumber and rally , your ways is going to be different, my mother and father is right I since a war brewing in you, this is the first peace to war crossed over in history, tried some in war, my mother made it, its bit difficult from what you used to, he pour some in a cup help himself and walked in his tent to eat, who knew the war Queen can cook an feast. Back to the story, Theodas is kissing on her, " mmm my war cat war miss you can't wait to get you in my castle forever. Said, Theodas. " war bull you set my war fires, they kissed each other, 200 miles crossed the plains at the war camp is Aeson and Symina, their son Theodliun , daughter in law LithonIel, and their daughter and their son in law Kiirion, all four walked up to the smoker, got some leads help themselves to some food," you two and mother is an wonderful cooks, ashed fish, said. Kiirion, " thanks goes to the husbands to gather the food to cook, said. Saraya, " war to that, said. Lithoniel, they toast to that, war, food, Ali, Family and rally is the war ways, you can't go wrong with that right? Back to the story.Aeson is kissing on Symina, " mm my war cat in war when you going to merge with me? Asked. Aeson, " soon my war bull, said. Symina, they started to made mad Elvin love to each other, 300 miles a crossed the valley, in the northern woods in an another war camp The war queen Dasyra and the War king Delmuth, there sons And daughters in law, Zaos and Maylin, Ruvaen and Tisha, walked up to the smoker. " time for some ashed fish, and sugarcane berries, said. Zaos, " we owe our wives and mother for this delightful meals, said. Ruvaen, " you are welcome, said. Tisha and Maylin, they help their leads of fish, beries, and bread,and Ali, family is comes first in the elvish tongue, back to the story. In the tent Delmuth is kissing on Dasyra, " can't wait until we are together my cat, said. Delmuth, " we be whole soon my bull. Said, Dasyra. They are kissing each other, 400 miles up the valley at an another war camp is the war queen Ameria, and the war king Garrik, their son son in laws and daughters and daughter in law Galearon, and Siora, Namys and Tearal, Osania and Ryo, walked out of that tents, and up to the smoker, " ash fish an meal fit for an war elf like me. Said. Galearon, " save us in war some brother. Said, Namys. They all help their and start to eat, back at the River war camp. Love is wonderful if you an war out, back to the story. Theodas remove her gallon, they start to mad Elvin love, Sana walk out of the tent with Tharron, Lusha stand up, " did you eat? Asked. Sana, " yes everything is delicious, you get to eat like this? Asked. Lusha, " yes wait until you seat the feast slumber, " it must be war to have them as parents. " we are different when in war by birth got activated button watch Ma Pa!!! She called for them, the got dressed and ran out, the nerves the dirty tricks, Sana you should know better, back to the story. " showed in danger Theodemer my boy where are you son! He ran out of the tent and smiled, " did war cut you two off? Asked. Theodemer, " see when you call them that they come running, sorry mother and father. Said, Sana, " Sana why you activate us if war not in danger child? Said, Seldanna. " just showing her how war is like, said. Sana, " we love you three, go to bed Theodemer, Tharron, Sana and you to, in the morning before we leave our war commanders, we are going to have an war talk youths. Said, Theodas, so they went into their tents and slumbered. As the Elvin sun rises in the sky, the war kingdoms in the war camps is waking up, their silver armor appeared on them. They walked out of the tents, " My war comnander and war chieftains get the Knights on horses. Said, Theodas. " mother will you tell father I am not ready for this. * we can war lead, said. Sana, " you are both worthy to lead, see you at the valley sana mount them up, my sons and husband see soon. Said, Seldanna, they kissed each other and she hugged her son and son in law bye, they got up on our their horses and rode out of the camp, Scotch wood went west, they got up on their horses, they rode out of the camp and Rich wood went north. Lusha is riding beside Seldanna, time for teaching, how to be an war knight.back to the story, " Rally is no forging or harvest, to cleanse and seal portals from this land, we go rallies days, weeks, years, or decades, that mount of days, years, weeks or decades that is number we slumber, that give Protection time to protect the lands, and gives peace time to blessed the lands in blessed. Darshee head out, they are war scouts they scouts dark holes, or wild animals. Darshee and scouts rode by them up the lands. Scotch wood rode down the mountians, " cannon head out, said. Theodas, * so son what you think of her? Theodemer look at his father. Tharron and Theodas smiled at him, they know he talk to her, but his war interest. Let's find out. Back to the story, "