Chapter 24: Philip Harrington vs. Troy ‘Travis’ Stanton~ The beat to his heart … Marked!


As soon as Troy’s wolf, a beautiful golden-furred wolf fully formed, Philip shifted into his big grey alpha wolf. The alpha wolf just stood over the clearly exhausted new wolf and stared at it. He’d never seen a more strikingly beautiful wolf. Gold was one of the rare and admired colours when it came to wolves. And Philip felt so proud that his mate was one of such. In fact, he felt so much joy and pride that he threw his head back and let out a howl that was so loud it could be heard from miles away. Anyone who heard the howl could tell the alpha had found something precious. Any smart person could easily crack the code…codes. Unfortunately, most werewolves were smart.

“Son, please.” Joel groaned. “People will know…” The elder was worried about the attacks that were bound to come Troy’s way. Troy was no Ryan. Even Ryan, who was a powerful being had had his share of ex-attacks.

But Philip’s wolf seemed not to hear his father’s warning. He was in a world of his own. All he could think about was his mate and nothing else. He began to sniffs and lick his mate all over like a proud parent or a devoted lover. He licked at Troy’s muzzle, throat, genitals, and rear end. Troy let out tiny contented sounds which only encouraged Philip to lick more. It went on for some minutes until suddenly, the golden wolf let out an angry howl and got to his feet. It looked wild. The rest was clearly over.

‘Troy?’ Philip gently nudged into Troy’s mind and gasped when he felt the magnitude of anger bubbling within the wolf. ‘Hey, can you hear me?’ Philip asked softly.

‘Open the damn door.’ Troy growled. All his senses felt heightened. And his emotions were all over the place. He felt so angry he wanted to destroy something.

‘I can’t do that.’ The alpha responded, watching his mate.

‘Is this supposed to be my cage then?’ Troy’s wolf turned angry eyes on Philip. No problem at all, the wolf thought. A fine opportunity to kick the arse of the arrogant, murderous alpha.

The alpha heard his mate’s thoughts perfectly because Troy didn’t know how to shield his thoughts yet. That was going to take some time to master. Until then, Philip had the misfortune of listening to the thoughts of his sassy, smart-mouth mate.

‘Settle down, Troy.’ Philip growled low in his throat but Troy growled right back.

‘Don’t tell me what to do.’ Troy snarled. He felt so strong he knew he could take anyone on and beat them with cheeky ease. And Philip definitely needed his arse whooped. Troy crouched low. ‘I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.’ His ears raised, forehead furrowed, gums and teeth bared, fangs exposed, and hackles raised. All of Troy’s attention was bearing down on his target…Philip. He was ready to leap.

‘Troy…’ Philip growled a warning just as Troy lunged at him.

Of course, Stan burst into laughter whilst Joel groaned with frustration. He was still worried about the attacks awaiting Troy. Gloria would hit the roof if anyone attacked her son, Joel thought with apprehension.

In the Jungle Room, the big alpha wolf rolled around with the beautiful golden wolf. He could have easily subdued Troy but he was enjoying sparing with him. But soon, Philip found Troy’s sweet scent and aggression so hot he felt himself getting aroused. He knew he had to end it…put some distance between them. And he would have done exactly that if he were in his human form. Unfortunately, however, he was in his beast form. And the beast wanted the ultimate form of ownership. He wanted to mark his mate!

Philip pinned Troy down with cheeky ease and growled, demanding his instant submission. The golden wolf knew when to cut the bullshit and submit to a higher authority, apparently. The alpha knelt beside his mate and pulled him against him. His intent was clear in his eyes. His father and Stan who still watched them from the other side of the iron bars didn’t miss it.

“No…” Stan bellowed just as Joel began to hit his fist on the bars to get his son’s attention.

“Don’t do it, son.” Joel implored, looking very alarmed. “Please don’t. Where’s the key, Stan?” He growled.

“Don’t bother, Uncle Jo,” Stan muttered with a resigned look on his face. “He’s bent on marking him as his. We can’t stop him.”

“We need to make him see reason.” The elder said heatedly. “There’s the ceremony, for one. As an alpha, he must know better. Hell, Troy doesn’t even know he’s his mate. How do you think he would feel if he finds out after he’s been marked?”

“I guess we will find out.” Stan shrugged.

“Who’s side are you on, you silly boy,” Joel muttered. “This is not… Philip don’t…” Joel bellowed when the alpha wolf reared back, fangs bared, ready to sink deep into the neck of the stunning golden wolf. “No…”

Philip struck, hard and fast…