Chapter 10; Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Need!


Ryan came awake in his bed suddenly. His eyes remained wide and unfocused. Ryan couldn’t shake off the vision of Jeremy. He rubbed at his eyes and groaned when he finally remembered. He was Jeremy’s prisoner.

“Fuck.” He swore when his eyes landed on his twitching hardness. “Seriously?”

Ryan knew that his state of arousal was a result of the dream he’d had about Jeremy. Why the fuck was he even dreaming about that monster, Ryan groaned. Why Jeremy and not someone else? In his dream, Jeremy had blue eyes instead of the weird red, and he was as sexy as all fuck. He’d been naked and was staring at Ryan with so much hunger in his eyes.

“Shit,” Ryan muttered, turning his head to look at the time on the clock on his bedside table.

Ryan groaned when he realized he’d only slept for about thirty minutes. Fuck, after what he’d been through, he needed his sleep. After his bath, he’d been served the most delicious meal which had left him wondering whether Philip had been truthful with him. The way he’d been served, the dressing and attitude of the one who had brought his food, and the quality of the food was definitely at par with the standards of a five-star hotel.

After filling his tummy with that yummy food, he’d gotten into bed and instantly gone to sleep, only to come awake with his dicks as hard as nails, thanks to some silly dream. He was so fucking horny. Yes, he was highly sexed because of his peculiar nature but the urge he felt at that particular moment was so intense it left him confused. Ryan knew he couldn’t possibly go back to sleep without first taking care of his situation.

With a deep sigh, Ryan undid the buttons on his jeans and released his hard dicks. He was so hard he hurt. Precum was already pooling at both tips. He’d never spurted through both dicks at the same time but it was common for both to spill precum if he was very excited...which he obviously was. Ryan rubbed the precum on both dicks, getting them slick. Then he gripped both dicks in one hand and began to stroke. Ryan closed his eyes and immediately saw Jeremy…just as he’d been in the dream…his eyes blue and intense, his body gloriously muscled, tight, boldly masculine, and undeniably gorgeous. He hated that the image that sprung to mind was Jeremy’s of all people but he just couldn’t shake off the image. Ryan’s breath came out harshly as his hand moved faster. He knew he wasn’t going to last.

“Oh fuck.” He breathed as he threw his head back in blissful abandon, his free hand burrowing beneath his t-shirt to pull on a distended nipple.

With his face flushed with need, he squeezed the mushroom heads together, causing more precum to gush out. He groaned a rough sound of pleasure and then quickly bit his lip to keep his moans down as his hips began to lift off the bed, pushing himself rhythmically into his hand. It felt so good. He pictured a naked Jeremy, standing before him, stroking his own hard cock just as Ryan was doing at that very moment. The image was so hot Ryan was goddamn ready to blow. His hand quickened, jacking his cocks with brutal speed and violence, in a race to grasp that blissful feeling. His stomach clenched as he felt his orgasm travel down his spine, his entire body shaking with the intensity of feeling within. He’d never felt such intense sexual exhilaration.

“Holy shit.” Ryan gasped at the first jolting eruption. He couldn’t suppress his cry of ecstasy as his orgasm rocked through him, making his whole body quake with the wonder of it. “Christ.” Ryan moaned as he shot, his head thrown back as he allowed the sweet feeling to wash over him. “Fuck.”

Ryan breathed harshly as he came down from his high. He rolled out of bed and staggered into the bathroom as if he were drunk. He quickly wiped himself down, fixed his jeans, and then went back to bed. With that taken care of, he hoped to get some much-needed sleep.


Back in Jeremy’s massive luxury suite, the alpha let out a growl of lust when the sound of Ryan's erotic moans and the smell of his cum hit his senses. As a werewolf, his senses were always heightened. And in his current state of arousal, the scent of his mate’s cum sent him into a lustful frenzy. Jeremy’s eyes went wild, his fangs dropped, his cock got painfully hard against the zipper of his pants…

“Fuck this.” He breathed. Then with a growl, he grabbed a tube of lube and stormed towards the connecting door between his and his mate’s rooms.