Chapter 26: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… The kiss!


Jeremy smiled to himself when he heard the door to his suite burst open. “How dare you?” He heard Ryan bellow at the door. “What right do you have to go into my home and take my stuff? I know it’s in your nature to act like a rabid beast that is driven to destroy, kill and tear apart but this is low even for you...”

Jeremy looked at a raving Ryan. Took in his beautiful flushed face, the angry fire in his eyes, that luscious mouth…and couldn’t take it anymore. He moved…

“Do you think I’m some little kid that you can control and bend to your will whenever…” Ryan didn’t get any further because Jeremy’s mouth was on his.

Ryan struggled. He really did. His hatred for Jeremy at that very moment had gone so high he was seeing red. Ryan felt himself beginning to shift. He couldn’t seem to control himself. His wolf sensed his anger and tried to come out. But then he heard Jeremy inside his head, pleading with him not to shift, pleading with him to calm down. He wasn’t commanding at all…just coaxing. And in that same persuasive, calm fashion, Jeremy’s gentle and deliciously pliant mouth didn’t even once relent in their movement against Ryan’s lips.

Ryan felt his wolf retreat…felt himself calming down…felt himself succumbing to the sweet feeling of those lips against his…felt his mouth opening to accept the tongue that had been gently pushing against his lips, seeking entrance. And when Jeremy’s wet tongue touched his, Ryan moaned and completely melted against Jeremy, his body seeming to become liquid flame as it accepted the attentions of his mate.

Ryan had never been kissed before. He’d never felt such intimate intense pleasure in his life. He couldn’t think or breathe. All he could do was cling to Jeremy and accept the erotic assault on his senses as Jeremy devoured and plundered his mouth. It was indescribably good. Was a kiss always that intense and mind-splittingly pleasurable, Ryan couldn’t help but wonder. Or was it due to his already aroused state? The feeling was out of this world. His senses reeled. It felt as if his whole being was connected to Jeremy’s mouth and pleasure was being pumped into him in maddening waves.

When he felt his cock suddenly jerk violently inside his pants, releasing copious amount of cum, he gasped with shock into the kiss as his eyes rolled back. His orgasm gripped him hard, tensing every muscle in his body before he spiraled into extreme bliss. The pleasure was so powerful, mind-blowing, and shocking Ryan completely forgot to breathe as he writhed against Jeremy. ‘Oh my God, he thought as his knees gave out beneath him.

Jeremy felt his mate go limp against him and tightened his arms around him as he released his mouth. “Oh fuck.” He gasped. He’d never dreamt that a person’s mouth could be so delicious. And it was a man’s mouth too. Jeremy had never felt anything so amazing. Ryan’s mouth was something else. “Damn!” Jeremy blinked to get his eyes to shift back to human. He wasn’t surprised at all that his wolf was right there at the surface. Ryan shook him to his very soul.

Ryan on the other hand was trying very hard to gather his scattered senses but he couldn’t. He couldn’t catch his breath. He felt lethargic…as if he had no bones, no strength, and no ability to move or think. Hell, even his eyes wouldn’t open. The only thing holding him up was Jeremy’s arms around him. All he could feel was the pounding of his heart.

Jeremy picked up his mate and reluctantly, went to put him into bed in the adjoining room…just as Ryan had said he wanted. Ryan looked dazed…almost as if he was in a trance. Jeremy stripped Ryan, cleaned him up, and dressed him in boxer briefs and a t-shirt. He couldn’t contain the pride within at actually making his mate orgasm just from a kiss. His mouth curved in a ghost of a smile, laced with undeniable masculine triumph as his eyes slid over Ryan’s post-orgasmic sated body. His own erection hadn’t subsided since the kiss but Jeremy wasn’t complaining. Seeing the pleasure shake his mate’s sexy body was worth it.

Ryan closed his eyes and tried to come to terms with what had happened. But he still couldn’t think. It almost felt as though his brain had melted and oozed out of his body right alongside his cum. Even when people brought in food, Ryan didn’t open his eyes. He did however open his eyes when he heard Jeremy uncovering dishes. There was a big trolley loaded with assorted scrumptious-looking dishes, right beside his bed.

‘Are you okay?’ Ryan heard Jeremy ask through their link and nodded. ‘Sit up.’ Jeremy instructed, pulling the covers off Ryan.

Ryan looked down at his body, clad in his own black boxer briefs and red body-hugging tank top as he did as he’d been told. So the man had been serious. He’d gone for his stuff.

‘You look hot in that by the way.’ Ryan heard Jeremy in his head and felt himself blush. ‘And you look adorable when you blush.’

“Will you stop that?” Ryan spoke out loud with a groan. And when he heard Jeremy asking through their link whether he wanted him off the link he actually panicked. “No, stay. Just stop that bullshit talk already.” He grumbled, scowling when he saw a brilliant smile appear on Jeremy’s face. Damn, the man was strikingly good-looking. “We need to talk.”

“I know.” Jeremy sighed as he got on the bed and sat opposite Ryan. “We’ll do that after you eat. Okay?”

Ryan nodded and then raised an eyebrow questioningly when he noticed that Jeremy had a fork held firmly in his hand. He hoped the silly man wasn’t planning on feeding him. Jeremy saw the question in his mate’s eyes and gave him a determined look.

“You stopped me from feeding you once. Don’t even try this time.”

There was that authoritative tone again, Ryan thought. This time, however, he didn’t feel any compulsion. He could have insisted on feeding himself but he just didn’t feel like arguing. He gave a slight shrug and allowed Jeremy to feed him.