Chapter 39: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Bonding!


Ryan nodded and relaxed even more against the wolf. He could remain that way till the next day, he thought.

‘Nothing is stopping you.’ Jeremy’s wolf responded amused. ‘But you might want to sleep in the comfort of a bed seeing as you have to be rested for lectures tomorrow.’

Ryan groaned. ‘I totally forgot. I have a lecture as early as seven in the morning.’

‘Couldn’t you have waited till Monday?’ Jeremy’s wolf asked dryly. ‘Who resumes work on a Friday?’

Ryan chuckled. ‘Tomorrow, I’m only going to give them the main areas to concentrate on for the rest of the semester since we’ve already wasted so much time, thanks to me. Serious work will begin on Monday.’ He explained. ‘I just hope all that has happened in the past weeks will not get me distracted when I finally stand in front of my class.’ He said wistfully.

‘You’ll be fine. You’re a pro. Nothing can distract you from doing what you love.’