Chapter 57: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks ~ Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Meeting Paige!


“What?” Paige screeched. “You’re kidding me right?” Her eyes bulged out to the extent that Ryan feared they would pop out. “Hey, Jer…” She followed Jeremy into the bathroom and watched as he washed his hands and brushed his teeth. “Tell me it’s a joke please.” She leaned against the vanity and watched the alpha. “Jeremy seriously, I’m dying here.”

Jeremy deliberately took his time to rinse his mouth and clean the cum that still decorated his sexy six-pack. Then he turned to look at Paige. “I’m not kidding.” With that, he walked out of the bathroom, straight to his walk-in closet.

“Oh my god!” Paige gasped, watching as Jeremy pulled on sweatpants and a t-shirt. He took out another sweats and t-shirt…obviously meant for Ryan. “You’re serious.” Suddenly, a naughty smile appeared on her face. “Okay, here goes.” She started towards Ryan whose wary eyes remain on Paige the whole time.