Chapter 54: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks ~ Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Pleasure in the Jaq!


“Play with your nipples. And give me your tongue.” Jeremy instructed and then watched with lust as Ryan began to twist and pull on his nipples. His mate was so sexy it wasn’t funny. With a groan, he closed his mouth around Ryan’s offered tongue and expertly gave it a slow sensual suck.

Ryan felt that tug right inside his throbbing dicks. It was so electrifyingly good he moaned lustfully and bucked against Jeremy, causing the full length of that thick finger to slide completely into his channel… hitting something inside him that caused a bombardment of sensations to explode through his whole body. Ryan’s brain short-circuited. His eyes widened with astonishment and then squeezed shut as his body jerked in reaction. He tore his mouth away from Jeremy’s and threw his head back with a loud cry of uncontrollable pleasure as his entire body stiffened against Jeremy.