Chapter 128: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks ~ Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Diagnosed!


“Get the fuck out of here, Stan,” Jeremy said lazily as his fingertips tenderly stroked Ryan’s, cheeks and jawline. “Better now?” Jeremy’s voice dropped to the sexy bass rumble that never ceased to melt Ryan.

He nodded. “I needed that.”

“I know.” Jeremy’s eyes shone with so much love.

“Can you unfreeze these old folks now?” Stan stood staring at the monitor, his hands on his lean hips. “Damn, this is one interesting read.” He muttered. “Even to my unprofessional eyes.”

Jeremy laughed when Ryan buried his face against his neck with a groan. Now that he was down from his high, he was suddenly mortified he’d acted so shamelessly.

“You can always freeze his arse, you know.” Jeremy drawled.

“Oh hell, no,” Stan growled, making a dash for the door. That got him raucous laughter from both Jeremy and Ryan.