Date = 5 April
Place = San Francisco (Enrique’s home)
POV – Aria
Mel hasn’t moved since she started reading what’s in her hands, making me a little queasy and I feel like shaking her back to reality.
But instead, I peer through the huge windows where storm clouds gather dark and looming - as if they know our secret. The sea is a somber gray; it matches the sky … and my mood - I’m dejected and drowning in uncertainty right now.
The first drops splatter against the glass. I examine how it breaks and then slowly trickles down in small streams; spellbound. A heartbeat passes and then the spell breaks, drawing my eyes back to the blonde.
She tosses the paper and moves her hands carefully over her tummy, her face still in a stock-still emotionless state … simply gazing ahead. I hold my breath; expecting the worst at any moment I pick up my phone, ready to dial 911.