Condom thief

Date = 30 May

Place = San Francisco (Enrique’s home)

POV - Enrique

“So Nigeria? Fuck.” I’m doing a little one-on-one video chat with my brother. “Isn’t it dangerous or something?”

“Nah, risky maybe … I’m mostly going to treat malaria patients, maybe some other diseases. I just finished my training and I’ve received all my shots … so I’m good to go.” I stare at the luxurious room in the background. It’s obviously night already wherever he is.

“Guess you’re not in Africa yet, or else the accommodation is much more pristine than I imagined.” He glance around the bedroom he’s sitting in and then smile at me.

“Yeah, you got me. Made a little detour before going to the dark continent. You would not believe where I am right now,” he sounds chirpy and sad all at the same time. I wait for him to tell me.

“Don’t judge … I’m in Helsinki.” I gasp. Not at all where I imagined. Is he a sucker for punishment or what?