A little fight

Date = 13 June

Place = San Francisco (Grimms)

POV - Enrique

With every step I take on the pier towards Grimms, I feel more agitated, more guilty, more alone, more heartbroken, more unworthy. And with each step the pain consumes me more and more. If I don’t counterbalance this raging feelings with some physical pain, I’m going to blow soon. I know I am.

But cutting myself won’t do it this time … I need more. So I’m going to use my twin’s method of self-coping: FIGHTING. Usually I won’t go down this road because of my job … I can’t model or act with bruises all over my face, now can I … but today I have to. Fuck the job. Luckily I cleared my schedule for the transplant.

Right now I seriously need to hit something … and I need that something to hit back. And who better than the guys that’s sort of responsible for Aria getting into a dangerous situation? It is more or less their fault, so they deserve this. I burst through the doorway.