Lost sister

Date = 8 July

Place = San Francisco (Damion’s house)

POV - Aria

“Just stick your finger up his nose and then kick him on his sexy ass!” I laugh. It sound sectionable, like I’ve been chicken-flipping cocaine. Mel lowers her voice, “But really bitch, talk to my stupid brother and let him open his frikin eyes.” I’m the blind one, seeing things that ain’t real. For him we were nothing more than a contract. A signature on a piece of paper. But I can’t tell her that.

“Come on Aria, hurry up.” The tiny voice, giddy with anticipation, interrupts my phone call with my best friend.

“Mel, I’ll talk to you later. Wish you were here.” And that’s a fact. I really do.

“Me too, ginger.” I end the call and keep a slow pace so the tiny turnip can keep up in her sparkling pink princess high-heels.