Chapter 4: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm… Whiff of Sweetness!


It was a strange world indeed, Stan couldn’t help but think as he waited for the young recruit to make his move. But just as the recruit moved Stan felt it. A gasp tore out of him when a sudden wind blew his way, carrying with it a scent so sweet and alluring his limbs literally went weak.

Even as he turned his head to look in the direction of that sweet scent, he felt Miller’s fist graze his shoulder…then to his utmost bewilderment, he saw the ground rushing up to meet him. Stan heard the shocked roar from the recruits and the people gathered but he couldn’t even think about what looked like his defeat at that point. All he wanted was to see the owner of that unique scent. Who had made him that weak with her mere presence? As a werewolf, he knew who that person was to him. Somethings were not taught…the beings within just knew.

“Finally!” Stan heard Rosanne shout as she hugged someone. He didn’t need to be told who the grinning young man hugging the hell out of Rosanne was. He’d seen enough of his pictures to know that was none other than Ian Williams, his co-instructor.

Stan stared as the two hugging figures stepped away from each other and started towards him. The noise and shouts of congratulations to Miller completely faded as he watched the good-looking strapping young man move closer to where he lay. All Stan could do was stare from his humiliating position on the ground. He still couldn’t feel his limbs.

“You must be shitting me.” He finally breathed, still staring.

“You okay, buddy?” Stan read the lips rather than heard the voice of the man whose scent had gotten him in his current predicament. A man!

“I must be dreaming,” Stan muttered as he stared up at Will.

“Just how hard did you hit your head when you fell,” Will muttered as he reached down to touch Stan’s head. “Does it hurt?” He asked with a frown.

“What are you? A doctor?” Stan shot back, drawing a chuckle from Will and laughter from Rosanne who then moved away to congratulate Miller. And Stan still stared. Then… “Are those dimples?”

“Have any problem with dimples?” Will looked both amused and bemused. His fingers didn’t cease their movement against Stan’s head.

“Nope.” Stan sat up. “And you can stop your examination, doc. I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Huh?” Stan focused on Will with a confused look.

Will shrugged. “You don’t look fine to me. You look dazed.”

“Is that right, Sherlock?” Stan couldn’t hide his amused smirk as he made to stand.

Will chuckled as he quickly stood and reached down a hand to help Stan up. He didn’t let go of Stan’s hand even after he got to his feet. “Stanley Norris huh?” He grinned as he shook Stan’s hand.

“The one and only. Do I call you Dr. Will or plain Will?” Stan muttered as he let go of Will’s hand. He’d never needed a run so bad.

“Plain Will will do just fine.” Will fixed his hands on his hips, his eyes never leaving Stan’s “You sure you’re okay?” At Stan’s nod, he turned his eyes on the still jubilating recruits. “They look like they just won the lottery.”

“Tell me about it,” Stan grunted. “Miller?” He called out and watched as the whole squad rushed towards him. If only they knew what was going on within him at that very moment, Stan thought as he tried to calm his pounding heart. The need within to shift and stake his claim that very instant was hot, urgent, and demanding. He knew that if he didn’t leave the midst of the people gathered, there was a very high probability that he would expose the supernatural world to them. That came with its own consequences. But he also knew he had to act as natural as possible. “In combat, never get…”

“Distracted.” The recruits shouted in unison.

“And the instant your opponent gets distracted...”

“Strike!” The recruits roared.”

“The oldest trick in the book.” Stan focused on Miller. “Good job! You know where the money is.”

“I do, Stan.” Miller grinned as his colleagues started to roar with delight again. “Thank you.”

“But he says he barely touched you, Stan.” One recruit shouted.

“He clearly doesn’t know his own strength.” Stan deadpanned, bringing a smile to Miller’s face. “Well, that’s the end of this evening’s training. I’m heading out as usual but I’m sure your commander or lieutenant or sir…whichever he wants y’all to call him, will like to have a word with you.” He gave a quick nod in Will’s direction. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Then to Will, he said, “They’re all yours.”

Stan didn’t even bother to change into his running gear. He took off.

Will watched Stan go and wondered what his problem was. “Hope your boyfriend is okay.” He said to Rosanne as he gestured for the recruits to move to the nearest seating area.

“He always goes for a run after our evening sessions,” Rosanne said. “He did look in a hurry though. And he’s not my boyfriend…yet.”

“Slut.” Will muttered, earning himself an elbow from his chuckling colleague.


Deep in the forest of the Achiase Jungle Warfare, the loud howls of a lone wolf caused other animals to scramble away in fear. The wind ripped through the trees, flinging loose branches everywhere. The huge brown wolf ran; his senses on full alert. As a werewolf, his vision was heightened in the darkness surrounding him. He allowed the dark to embrace him.

Stan’s wolf was assailed with a myriad of emotions. He was shocked because he’d definitely not expected to meet his mate at his current location. Nonplused not only because of the sex of his mate but also because of the person he was. Definitely nothing like Ryan or Troy, the mates of his close friends. Will was a…warrior just like him. How was that supposed to work? Was Luna for real? Stan certainly felt anxious because he didn’t know how to proceed. How was he to claim his mate under the circumstances? Like a typical werewolf, he wanted to mark his mate badly but knew he couldn’t just yet. Prevalent amongst the emotions, however, was an inner thrill. After all, it wasn’t every day one found their mate and it definitely wasn’t everyone who got to receive a gift of a soul mate. For that, he was grateful.

The wolf let out all the overwhelming emotions in the only way it knew how…howl to the moon.