“You what?” Paige screeched, her eyes wide with shock just as the other two Stan was FaceTiming.
“What happened to your hearing?” Stan snapped. “I said I found my mate.”
“All the way in Africa.” Jeremy looked more incredulous than shocked. Nothing Luna did shock him now.
“Yes, but he’s one of the Arrowheads. He’s my co-instructor.”
“Is he even gay…or bi?” Philip, the alpha of Stan’s pack asked. But for the bewildered look on Stan’s face, he’d have said his crazy beta was playing a prank on them.
“When has a person’s sexual orientation ever stopped Luna, Lip?” Jeremy, who was the alpha of all alphas and Philip’s boss shot back. “What are you going to do?”
“If I knew what to do, I wouldn’t have called you shitheads.
“Still got a mouth on you, I see.” Paige chuckled. “I didn’t catch his name.”
“Will.” Stan rasped. “Ian Williams.”
“You know you can’t mark him, right?” Philip said.
“I know. But it’s hard.”
“Hmm…what exactly is ha…”
“Cut it out, Paige,” Stan growled. “This is not the time to make fun.”
All three faces looked incredulous for a split second, then they all burst into laughter. It definitely was funny for Stan of all people to imply there was a time for seriousness. In fact, he was noted for seeing the humour in any situation and getting people to laugh at his humourous comments even amid the most depressing situations. What made Jeremy, Philip, and Paige laugh was Stan’s comment and not the situation he found himself in. There was nothing funny about that.
“You have to do it the old-fashioned way, honey,” Paige said. “You’ve gotta court him.”
“He’s not a fucking girl, Paige.” Stan groaned. “How can I court him?”
“And who says we can’t court men?” Paige retorted.
“You know what I mean,” Stan growled. “He’s nothing like Ryan or Troy.”
“How do you mean?” Philip asked.
“He’s manly. Ryan and Troy are softer…easy to handle.”
“Ya think?” Jeremy drawled, drawing chuckles from Philip and Paige.
“You know what I mean.”
“Your Will might even be easier to court than some headstrong girls I know, Stan,” Paige said.
“He’s human. I can bet my left testicle he’s not gay. I can’t tell him what I am for now. How the fuck do I proceed?”
“Get him to like you,” Jeremy said quietly. “That’s all you need. The rest will fall into place eventually. A little hint here, a little hint there, and he will start thinking along those lines.”
“In fact, it may be easier than you think.” Philip chipped in. “I’m told that humans who turn out to be mates usually have a soft spot for their mates even before they know who they are to them. Not the full-blown pull that supernatural beings have but…there’s something. So you have to tap into that somehow. And you can do that by getting him to like you for you, as Jer suggested.”
“How?” Stan looked and sounded desperate.
“You’re Stanislav, sweetie,” Paige said teasingly. “You’ve never had a problem getting any woman you wanted.”
“Your witchy mate kicked me in the nuts, remember?” Stan muttered.
“You didn’t want her.” Paige laughed as the other two chuckled. “You only wanted a free kiss. Use the same confidence and wit you use to get your women. Be yourself.”
“This is fucked up!”
“You’ll be fine,” Philip said. “I have faith in you.”
“More than I have in myself clearly,” Stan mumbled. “I’ll do my best.”
“No matter what you do, don’t mark him, Stanley,” Jeremy instructed sternly. “I know the urge is strong but fight it. Put Lip to shame.” He added, drawing a snort from Philip who had marked his mate rashly.
“Not going to be easy. But I won’t.”
“Good.” The alpha of alphas nodded. “Now go get some sleep. You look like shit.”
“I just got back from my run. Going to take a shower. Thanks, guys.”
“Hey, someone wants to say something real quick,” Jeremy said just as his mate’s face replaced his on the screen.
“Congratulations, Stan.” Ryan smiled.
“Thanks, Ryan.” Stan smiled despite himself.
“I just wanted to tell you to keep it natural and human,” Ryan advised, to which the other three shouted, yes, in unison.
“Roger that.” Stan nodded. “Regards to everyone.”
What he was supposed to accomplish with Will was the single most challenging thing he’d ever faced in his thirty years of existence, Stan thought as he listened to his clueless mate speak about his observations about the recruits. Not even the death of his parents had made him this apprehensive. After all, he’d been a kid. His current situation was on a whole new level. If only he could tell Will what he was and who he was to him… But that was neither the place nor time.
He didn’t have the advantage of the mate pull as others did. Neither did he have the advantage of the easier and more familiar task of wooing someone of the opposite sex. It was almost as if Luna was testing him, Stan couldn’t help but think. For the first time in his life, he didn’t have any choice but to be very serious about something.
Well, it was his life. And he didn’t plan on fucking it up.
It was on!