Chapter 15: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm… Excursion!


In a spacious by cozy room in the Koranteng Guesthouse, about twenty-five people danced and drank. They all seemed to be in high spirits. It was a holiday in Ghana so people were in a happy mood. Amongst these people were Will, Stan, Rosanne, and about five military men including Will’s pals, Sarkodie and Robert. They’d postponed their visit to Achiase from Saturday to that day, which was a Wednesday because it was a holiday. According to Robert, chilling on a holiday was more fun than on a weekend. If the dancing and the shouts were anything to go by, he was right. It was a full-blown party. There was a whole roasted pig, a huge grilled grouper, lots of food, and assorted drinks.

Will sat with a chilled bottle of Star beer, bobbing his head to Dwɛ. It was a really good song and he loved the way everyone danced to it. The party had been going on for about four hours so they’d all had a lot to eat and drink. As was common at every party, after food, it was time for dancing and more drinking. And the dance moves Will was witnessing were simply fascinating to watch. Even the hostess for the night who was also the owner of the venue, Auntie Ama Korantemaa as the guys affectionately called her, was killing it on the dance floor. For a seventy-year-old, Will thought she had some good moves. He was particularly happy that Stan seemed to be having so much fun. He hadn’t sat down even once since the music started playing. And Rosanne was throwing it down with Sarkodie to everyone’s admiration.

Will hoped his lady would arrive soon. She’d said she was going to be late because she had to see to some family issues. He knew she was upset with him because he hadn’t visited her in a while. Well, he’d been kinda occupied but ladies didn’t usually accept such excuses so… He planned on showing her a good time that night to placate her.

So far it had been a superb party. Sarkodie and Robert had outdone themselves Will couldn’t help but think. They had organized a good fun day. They’d gotten into the town at dawn and told Will to brace himself for the fun-filled day ahead.


“We start with breakfast.” Robert had said, gleefully rubbing his hands together. “Yo Stan, you need to try kenkey if you haven’t yet.” He bellowed making everyone laugh. Unsurprisingly, Stan had hit it off with the Ghanaian military guys the moment they’d showed up in their suite that dawn. “After breakfast, we will go and watch a cultural display in the palace court. You will love it.” He grinned. “Our women have their own form of twerking.” Everyone burst into laughter.

“You’re full of shit.” Will laughed. “The traditional dancers don’t twerk.” He told a laughing Stan.

“Next, we drive to the next town to see the biggest tree in West Africa.” Robert went on.

“Great.” Stan looked excited which didn’t surprise Will at all. The man seemed to love nature very much.

“The last time you were here, we went to Kakum National Park, right?” Sarkodie asked Will.

“Yep.” He nodded. “The most exhilarating experience,” Will told Stan and Rosanne. “It’s the only park in Africa with a canopy walkway. 350 meters long and connects seven tree tops which provide access to the forest. We even saw lots of animals walking around in the forest below.”

“Maybe we will find time and take Stan there before you guys leave,” Robert said. “So when we come back from Oda, then it’s time to party.” He gyrated his hips to roars from the guys. They were behaving as though they were teens who had been told that lectures had been canceled.

And their day had been one fun-filled event after the other. The traditional dance show had been amazing. The rich display of culture had been very interesting to watch. There was something about the Adowa dance that made everyone who watched it love it. The flare, the grace, and the techniques were just unmatched. It was all about the technique and the smile. The guys cheered when Stan went to join the dancers. His awkward moves made it more fun. Some of the dancers concentrated on him and taught him the steps. Rosanne and Sarkordie also joined to more cheers. It was indeed fun.

A laughing Will had filmed Rosanne and Stan with his phone. For Stan, he planned to use it as leverage for when the crazy instructor teased him. But he was happy that Stan seemed to be having fun. After the cultural display, they’d all taken a drive to the next town, Akim Oda, to see the biggest tree in West Africa.

The tree, which was simply called “the Big Tree”, stood at ninety meters in height and three hundred and ninety-seven centimeters in diameter.

“Wow.” Will breathed as he looked at the imposing tree.

“The sheer size and height of the tree left so many local people in awe, making them idolize it.” Their tour guide said. “They believe it has some supernatural powers so they regularly bring it gifts and also pay homage to their ancestors and the spirit of the tree during their annual festival.”

“A tree?” Will breathed, staring at the tree. “For real?”

“Yep.” Robert laughed. “In fact, several attempts have been made to cut it down or uproot it but according to folklore, it always miraculously repairs itself. Oh and check this out, the people who usually attempt to cut it down always end up dead after a few days.”

“What?” Rosanne screeched, her eyes wide. “But surely that can’t be true.”

“Oh believe it, my dear.” Stan drawled with an amused glint in his eyes. “I mean we’ve all heard about things that go bump in the night.”

“You’re very right, sir.” The tour guide said. “In 1966, a chainsaw operator is said to have succeeded in cutting down the tree. But it was believed to have mysteriously reinstated to its original position after three days. The operator is said to have died later on.”

“Shut Up!” Rosanne gushed, making the people around laugh.

“That’s the story, ma’am. Unlike other trees, this one is surprisingly resistant to insects and disease attacks.”

“You guys sure you don’t spray it with insecticide regularly?” Will drawled, shocked at the information.

“Oh no.” The guide laughed. “Who has the time? “The tree has curative abilities too. It is believed that a sick person who visits the site and performs the necessary rituals gets healed.”

“Too bad we can’t bring Mrs. W here to get cured,” Rosanne muttered, drawing a chuckle from Will. “Are you saying there are no sick people in this town? Because if they have this all-powerful tree…” She asked the guide.

“You need to believe first, I think.” Sarkodie shrugged.

“Then forget it.” Rosanne elbowed Will with a soft laugh. “Even if you bring her here, it won’t work because you don’t believe this. Do you?” She arched a brow sarcastically.

“I don’t know what to believe, to be honest.”

“I guess we can all agree it’s a spectacular gift of nature, then.” Rosanne purred, clearly not believing a word.

As they all posed by the tree and took pictures, Will asked no one in particular, “Are there animals around?”

“Hoping to see a wolf?” Stan turned slightly to look at him, dark brows raised teasingly.

“Shut up, Stan,” Will muttered but he couldn’t suppress the smile that broke free. He hadn’t told Stan but he’d been spending his nights with the wolf…yes, that same wolf. He remembered clearly the first night he’d gone looking for it. He’d just wanted to…needed to see it again.