Chapter 29: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm… Sweet aura!


“Hey, spill,” Stan demanded. “You can’t just drop something like that and say never mind.”

“There’s this…compelling aura around him. I’ve seen that around some type of people. It’s not much but it’s there.”

“What type of people?”

“Mostly witches.” She looked lost in thought.

“Are you saying he’s a…”

“He’s not,” Gaia said quickly. “I would have known. He just has this…I don’t know how to describe it. Maybe he has a gift or something.”

Stan snorted. “If being inquisitive is a gift, then sure.”

Gaia laughed and turned so that they could resume their walk. “Wants to know everything huh?”

“More like…loves to ask questions. Wait…” It was Stan’s turn to stop then. “He has a way of asking questions that makes me want to answer truthfully.”


“Yes. I thought it was weird.”

“But if you’re a supernatural being and he still has that effect on you, then…”

“Maybe that’s because I’m his mate.”