There was Jeremy, Philip, Ryan, Troy, George, and Pete. Will had a good time chatting with them. He thought they were all amazing people. It felt as if he’d known them for years. Probably because of all the stories Stan had told him about them.
“How’s Sylver doing?” Will asked Ryan at some point.
“He’s great. Naughty but…”
“Kids these days are all naughty.” Will chuckled. “I’m pretty sure my nephew is worse than Sylver. He makes Dennis the Menace look like an angel.”
“No kid on earth is worse than Sylver, my friend.” George drawled, earning himself the finger from Troy.
“So Gaia says you have a pet wolf,” Troy said.
“Yep.” Will nodded. “It’s an absolutely beautiful wolf.”
“What colour is it?” Troy looked curious.
“Brown. But it’s not even about the colour,” Will said. “It’s so intelligent it’s fucking mindboggling.”