By the time the van from the cleaning company left the driveway that evening, it was almost nine. All the guests had left so the house was quiet. Will entered the living room to find Sharon lying on the couch. She was waiting to be picked up by her husband. Will lifted his sister’s feet and then sat down. Then he placed the slightly swollen feet in his lap and began to massage them.
“Oh, that feels good.” She groaned.
“You did a great job, Shay” Will murmured. “How were you able to pull that off in just three days?”
“All I did was nod at suggestions.” She scoffed. “The planner said she was under strict instructions not to stress either of us out.”
“Instructions from who?” But even as he asked, Will knew it was the admiral. That man got off on giving instruct…
“Stanley Norris.”
“What?” His fingers stopped their massaging as his shocked gaze locked on his sister’s.