“But you didn’t allow me to finish asking my question.” Will laughed.
“I could guess what you were about to ask.” He gave a mock growl. “She’s a real looker but this was work. Rogues are a serious deal so she needed to tell me. When we’ve gotta work, we’ve gotta work.”
“Hey, relax,” Will muttered. “I’m not complaining or anything like that. I don’t own you.”
“But you do.” Stan flipped Will onto his back and covered his body with his. “I love it when you get jealous.” He trailed kisses across his cheek.
“When have I ever been jealous?” Will breathed, tilting his head to give Stan better access. “I’ve never…” He moaned.
“Liar, liar, pants on fire,” Stan murmured as his lips moved to the back of Will’s ear. “The first day you saw Gaia, you got so jealous.”
“Well, she was all over you.” He gave a breathless groan which drew laughter from Stan. “If you kiss my neck, I won’t be responsible for what happens next.”