“And what have you been doing if you don’t mind me asking?” Will raised a brow curiously.
“You know…using fireballs, freezing, turning people into babies…”
“You can do all that?” Will’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “Turn grown people into babies?”
Sylver nodded. “Dad says I shouldn’t turn people into animals so I turn them into babies instead.”
“And they remain babies forever?”
“No, silly.” Sylver laughed. “Dad always turns them back.”
“You don’t do that to your friends though, do you?” Will looked fascinated but at the same time wary.” Surely the kid was making the stories up.
“No. Just bad people and people who are annoying.” He grinned. “I can turn the bad people you shoot into babies. Then you wouldn’t have to shoot them.”
“I won’t be able to arrest them for their crimes if they’re babies.” Will laughed. “Hungry?”
“I’ve already had breakfast.”