Chapter 83: A perfect balance of danger and charm… Post-traumatic stress!


‘Will.’ Stan nudged his mate insistently. He could feel Will’s emotions so knew how shaken he still was. ‘Hey…’

‘I don’t know what just happened but I’m not sorry I killed him.’ The black wolf rasped. ‘I had to.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’

‘I know that when you catch them, you try to work on them first.’ Will said quietly. ‘That is why I didn’t kill the other one. But with this one, I didn’t have a choice. He dared attempt to harm what’s mine. I couldn’t have that. Sorry.’

Stan watched his mate for a moment, then let out a howl so loud the sound reverberated through the woods. The howl echoed the love and gratitude he felt for his mate. Some of the wolves shifted and looked on in awed shock. They’d all seen what Will had done. Those who didn’t shift joined their boss to howl to the sky. Amongst those who shifted was Kate. And as she stood there in her naked glory, she couldn’t erase the proud grin off her face.