Got A Call

When the days were passing by just like that. One day it was raining when I was in school. During lunch, Alice and I went to classroom after we had lunch. Tyler, Saww and few friends were there. We sat on our place. I insisted Alice to sing song. Well everyone in the class knew she sang well and had a beautiful voice. Well maybe she also was in mood, she started singing. At first everyone listened, even Tyler who was on the opposite side of our bench looked and listened but at another song Tyler was occupied with his own chats with other friends and Alice's song was like a background music for them. It was romantic songs she sang. Then Alice also started insisting me to sing. I never had sang in front of anyone before. So I denied at first.

But she started threatening me, “I will never sing again next time if you don't sing today.” So I agreed. I started with a romantic song. When I started almost everyone had looked at me. I first did not notice. When I saw at Tyler's side he was staring at me. His expression in his eyes were different. I was singing and when I saw him although I continued singing I was lost in his eyes. Then when Alice started praising me I came back to my senses. She said I also had a good voice. Everyone in the class praised me. Tyler also said I sang beautifully and smiled at me and continued with his own work. I got flustered. The day continued like normal.

At night, I remembered about this incident and was happy. After a few days, we got a news that a competition will be held in a few days in school. Age does not matter in this competition. It was all about talent. Anyone could do anything to show their talent. The competition was with the whole school. Alice asked me if I was interested in this. I denied. I asked her if she would participate she said being confident, “I will be singing.” I cheered for her. Many friends from our class was participating. That day when I returned home I asked to myself if I had any talents. I was a talentless girl after all. I was not only ugly but I had no talents too. I was such a useless piece in this world. Sometimes, I even wondered if my parents could give a birth to a new life and I could just die because I was just a burden of my parents and an extra weight that too a heavy one. I always felt thankful of my parents for raising a fat and talentless girl like me.

However, I told my parents about the talent show during the dinner time and both of them encouraged me to participate. I felt like I should do something so I started to think what could I do? After lots of thinking I decided to participate in competition. The next day, I told Alice I will participate. She also cheered for me.

On the day of competition, I had decided to do some crafts to show my talent. As I was in art and craft, the host told us that we should do our works. My friend named Samaira was in art and I was in craft. While we were working the pair of judges came to see how we were doing. The one judge whose judgement will have a great impact smiled when he saw what we were doing. He wished both of us good luck. Then after finishing, they told me I can see other performances for now. So I was enjoying with Alice. One of our senior sang a song making the utensils and other stuffs as his musical instruments. We both got impressed. Then, there were dances and Alice's turn came. I wished her luck. She went to stage. She started singing. When she sang her voice got stucked in the middle because it was a high note, she was stucked. She got stucked twice. She finally sang whole song. When she came to me I could see she was sad. So, I told her to cheer up. Then at last I and my friend was called to explain our stuffs. Samaira explained her painting. It was really awesome. It was my turn I did not know what to explain. I had made a box by papers, wind chime with bangles and threads and dog by paper and few other small crafts. So it did not take long.

At the end of competition it was time for results. I guessed that the senior will win the competition. I knew I had done nothing so I will not win any position. Then the host announced the third position holder. When I heard the name I was shocked. That was me. I was happy. Then I went to stage, the chief guest handed me certificate and some gifts. I thanked him and got off the stage after getting applauded. The second one was that senior and the winner was Samaira. When I returned Alice congratulated me. Tyler also congratulated me. Tyler seemed happy. I was sure he was happy because Alice did not win any position.

On the weekend, I and my mom went out. When we were out, we shopped and ate and enjoying our time. Then, we got a call and was told to come home faster. Although it spoiled the mood we planned to return.

?-> What do you think, what was the call about?