They Spoke Together

For a few days nothing exciting happened in school. We had pressure on us to study. Our test was on head. Everyone was studying hard. Well I am not so fond of studying, so I was not working hard like others. I was like if I understood in class and once I read the subjects I would do exams satisfactorily. Alice was on different level. She really studied hard every time. Even when she had leisure time she would study. So one day I asked her why she did so. The she replied, “I always love studying. It is not like I am protecting my first position but as I loved to study it was like killing two birds with one stone." I was surprised by her answer and told her to not to pressure herself much. Because I did not love studying so I thought she was bluffing. But what she told was true.

My mom and her mom had trusted each other with us. If we had go anywhere, my mom would let me go if she went and she did not let me go if she did not go, it was same for Alice's mom. Alice's mom was also a housewife and her father was also a businessman. He owned a restaurant. She took me there one day and the foods there was damn tasty.

Well everyone in school (all the teachers) praised Alice. So when any of them did this I could see hatred in Tyler's eyes. Not only Tyler but few of my other friends also including Tanie. So, Tyler also started studying really hard. He was not like this before. But after Alice came I thought he had no time for dating stuffs. Then, our tests finished. After few days result was published when we were about to head for home. When I saw the results I was shocked. I was in second position. I won Tyler by one points. I was happy but I never meant to have a competition with him. At home after results at night, I thought to myself that maybe now Tyler will also hate me. At that moment I thought why I had to be second I was absolutely fine being in third position. I had already gained a bit of hatred from Tanie and his elder brother, Kyle. Both of them used to be before me in position before. But I increased my score so they were after me. And now it was Tyler. I also thought that if only I had 2 points less than Tyler at least I would not have achieved second position. I felt sad. Because I did not want the look last time I saw in Tyler's eyes for Alice, will be shifted towards me. I had a crush on him. How could I see someone I loved hate me?

Then, the next day many of my friends congratulated me. Then Tyler came to me. My heart raced. Alice was sitting with me. Then I realized he did not have that expression but instead with a devilish smile he said, “Congratulations Sarah. You should study more and be on the first position.” I then understood that he thought I was capable to bring Alice down from her position. So I replied, “Ha-ha this time it was just luck I do not think so next time I will even win you. So it is better if you study hard.” Well I thought to myself that next time I will not study much.

Few days later, after our classes ended, all of us had decided to play basketball. I really loved basketball although I did not know how to play. Then those who were not interested went home. When we counted the remaining number of players both boys and girls mix, it was exact. So, we got two captains, one was Tyler and another Kyle. The captains then chose the members. First both of them completed choosing boys and then it was time for girls. Kyle had chosen Alice as Tyler had chosen Saww before. I suspected that he meant to keep them in the different groups so that they will not have progress in their relation, because I thought that he liked Alice too. Then, at last Tanie and I was left. I thought I will be in Tyler's group because I was close to Tyler more than Kyle. Then both of them spoke at the same time. "Tanie" “Sarah"

->? What do you all think? Who chose Sarah?

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-AUTHOR (IG: devil_ish.angel)