He Promised

It was Kyle who opened the door. He saw me, I tried to stop crying but tears well still flowing from my eyes. So, I looked at the other side. He came in and closed the door. Alice was so angry that she yelled at Kyle, “What have you come for now? Does your sister…” I grabbed Alice's hand to stop her. Then, I wiped my tears on my face and turned to them. My eyes were red and I was controlling my tears from falling down. When I saw him he was actually shocked by what Alice said. He looked confused. Then, I asked in a low and shaky voice, “Why are you here?” He replied, “I was passing by and saw you crying so I came in. Sorry, if I interrupted.” He was about to leave. My tears had fallen again. Alice saw me and she could not control herself and yelled again, “Tell your sister that one day her turn will also come.” Kyle who was almost at the door stopped. I was afraid because I thought if Tanie could do those things then Kyle might be worse.

He turned and asked in confusion, “What do you mean?” When Alice was going to speak I grabbed her hand tightly. Then, after wiping tears from my face, I said in a low voice, “It is nothing, Alice is just mad at her for some reasons. You do not have to know. It is between girls.” Kyle came towards us. He sat in front and asked, “If she has done something wrong then tell me, if I can help I will try and also I apologize from her side.” After listening this I was shocked. But Alice said, “Wow, I know that Tanie had already said you what happened. So, have you come here to make fun of us?” Kyle said, “I am telling the truth. I am her elder brother. So, I have to teach her discipline if she is on the wrong path.” Alice asked again, “Why would you help us? Why would you choose us but not your sister?” Then he sighed and said, “I will tell Sarah the reason, can you leave us for few minutes.”

First I was afraid that what if Tanie sent him here to let him continue what she could not finish. Alice read my facial expression and disagreed. Then Kyle said you can stay out and see but you cannot listen us. Then, I thought about it. He was the one who chose me in basketball in between Tanie and me. So, I nodded and asked Alice to wait outside. Before she left she said, “I will give you maximum 5 minutes.” Kyle replied, “Two minutes is enough.” Then Alice went out and her eyes were on us. Then Kyle hesitated first then said in a voice only I could hear, “Actually I like Alice a lot. So as she is worried about you, I cannot see her worrying. I like her more than Tanie. Tanie is also important to me so I have to guide her a correct path. I dont want Alice to know this.” I was not so shocked because I had suspected that he liked her. But I was not sure.

Then, I nodded and called for Alice. She came in and closed the door. Then I said, “Alice, can you tell him what happened.” First Alice was shocked then as I asked her she said "Okay" and she started from the time we went to washroom. I could not listen so again I turned. She was telling the story, it was a like a nightmare for me. I was crying without making noise. I could not hear that story anymore. But I did not stop her. Then when she finished, I wiped my tears and turned back. My eyes had already swollen. When I saw Kyle, he had tears in his eyes, but he did not let it fall. He tried to say something but he could not say. Then, again the tears I was holding fell. He finally asked, “How did the cell phone looked like?” Alice said, “It was black in color and had a sticker of a cat.”

After listening this Kyle was shocked again and he said, “It is Tanie's.” He again said, “Don't worry, I will bring her right now and make her apologize to you both. I will make sure you can punish her. I will also make sure that the video will not be spread and be soon deleted.” When he stood up, I grabbed his hand. I said with a faint voice, “No.” Then Alice also said, “First we need to make sure the video is deleted. We cannot directly face them right now.” I nodded in agreement. Kyle said, “Fine then leave that to me. I promise I will not let anyone know about this.” He looked at Alice with promising eyes. Then, he left. I wiped my tears, then I said, “we should also get going.” We went together. The whole way we did not speak, I just looked down and walked with her. Before we separated, as she was worried for me she said, “Don't worry. Everything will be fine.” I nodded and went home. As soon as I reached home I was afraid if mom would see my face. So I rushed towards my room and locked the door and calmed down and yelled from my room. “Mom, I am back home. I have already had dinner with Alice. Please do not disturb me today, I have assignments to do.” Then mom said, “Okay.” After hearing her answer, I jumped on my bed and cried until...