Alice Promised Me

The next day, I woke up after the alarm rang. I then sighed, I did not want to go school, but again I thought one day I will have to go and I cannot lie to mom today. So, I freshened up and got ready and ate breakfast and went to school. I walked slowly so that I can reach class exactly on time. As I reached class, I gave a disgusting look to Tanie and sat on my place with Alice. Then, on lunch time, when there were no one, Kyle asked me what I was going to do with Tanie. I was grateful for his help so I had kept his request on my mind. Also, for my own privacy I did not want others to know. So, I just said that I will return her the slap she gave me twice to her.

When Alice heard this, she said, “What? Just that much. Come on Sarah, just give her the punishment she deserves and so that she will not be able to do those disgusting things again.” I denied. I said, “No, after this I do not want to be involved with her anymore again.” Then she said, “Your wish.” Kyle looked relieved and satisfied with what I said. Then, after all the lectures ended. Everyone left. Before Tanie left, I stopped her. As no one was there, Alice went out and said she will wait for me outside. Then, Tanie said, “What do you want to do? Are you going to beg me?” Then without saying anything I slapped her hard.

She stumbled. I said, “I am returning you the slaps twice.” She laughed and said, “How dare you? Do not forget that...” I slapped her on the other side again. She fell down and stood up again. She was crying. She was suddenly looking innocent. Then, she said slowly, “Please don’t do this to me.” I was shocked because she had just changed behavior suddenly. Then, I was again going to slap her, someone grabbed my hand hardly and pushed me. I fell down and hurt my head as my head banged on the desk. My forehead was bleeding although it was the small wound.

Then, I saw that it was Tyler who had come. He did not look at me all after pushing so hard and just took Tanie with him out. Alice had come back. She saw that Tyler took Tanie out. She was in the washroom when all this had happened. She was shocked to see me on the ground. Then she came to help me. She was panicking. I was not crying, but my tears were falling down. She asked as she was shocked, “What happened? No, tell me later. First let's go to the hospital.” Then I wiped my tears mixed with blood and said, “No, I am fine.” I took out my handkerchief and pressed my wound although I was in pain and I told her what had happened.

Tanie made it look like I was bullying her when she saw Tyler. Then, after saying that she said angrily, “How dare he! Let's go and tell him the truth and let him beg you for forgiveness.” Then I said, “No. Don't tell him anything. Alice, promise me whatever happened, you will not tell anyone.” Then, she sighed and promised me. After that we went home. Fortunately no one was in home. So I just washed my wound and then I realized the wound was actually severe, but still I placed an ointment and a small band aid. Then I cut my hairs into bangs so that no one would see the wound. It was a weekend, so I was in home. When I was just looking at my cell phone a message popped up.

When I opened the message, it was from the neighbor whose house was exactly next to mine. His name is Mike. Actually I did not know him much. When I used to be in home, I used to play badminton with my sister. One day when we were playing, Mike and some other of his tenant friends came and asked if they could join us. I actually did not know how to play badminton properly. My sister let them also play. So, I came to know him. We did not talk so much when we played. So, I was kind of surprised when the message popped up.

He had just said, “Hi.” I replied, “Hello.” Then, he started talking and he asked me about which school I went and what grade I was in and how was my studies. Actually although he was elder than me he said to talk to him as if I was talking to my friend. So, I dropped the honorifics as he said. Then I replied his answers and asked him the same question he asked me. Then, after talking about those, he suddenly said, “You’re so cute.”

When I heard this, I felt nervous, so I just thanked him. Then he said, “Sarah.” I waited for him to message more but he did not. Hence I replied, “Yes?” He said, “Sarah, I like you very much. Will you be my girlfriend?” I was shocked and I could not reply anything. I never thought anything about him like that. What more I had always thought him as a brother and after talking today he was my friend. And also I liked Tyler. So I said, “I have not thought about those stuffs and I have only thought you as a friend. I am sorry.” Then he said, “Okay, but please talk to me as a friend okay and if you can then please think about it again?”

I said okay and after dinner that day I went to my sister and showed her the texts. Then, she laughed at first. I asked her why she laughed, then she opened her cell phone and showed me the similar messages. Well the only thing different was my sister's reply. She strictly had replied that she is not interested in love and wanted to focus in studies. The guy who texted her was Mike's younger brother, Pikey. After I saw that, we chatted about it. We thought both of them planned to trap us on those things. Then, she advised me not to talk too much with him. I nodded. Well, we obviously planned to see how much further they will go. So, we planned not to let them know that we have seen both texts.

Then I went to my room after a long chat with her. I thought to myself, why anyone would like a girl like me. I can understand about my sister but not me. So, I thought that Mike was trying to toy with me. Then, suddenly I tried thinking about something else. I thought about Tyler. The memories of the time when he pushed suddenly flashed on my head. I cried thinking about it. I also thought if I should tell him the truth, but then I thought that I will not let him know the truth in any case. I promised to myself. I had already him in my heart. So, I did not want him to pity on me and dislike me after that knowing how weak I was. I did not want to make him feel guilty for pushing me. Then, I cried a lot because I knew deep inside that I will not be able to be with him. He will never like a girl like me. I cried until I fell asleep.