Looks like you want to die

I told him to stop a lot and finally he stopped at a place. There were no people and he went out of the car so I also went out. He opened the cab's trunk and took my suitcases out and I asked him, "What are you doing?" Suddenly, I felt two people grabbing me. I shouted at them and struggled to be set free. There were five people more and the driver said, "I guess we found a loaded person." They started to go through my luggage.

I said, "I don't have anything except clothes so even if you take my suitcases you will not be in profit. Let me go." Suddenly another man tried to check my pocket and I was not letting him. Suddenly, boom, a kick flied on his face. I looked who kicked him and it was a girl. She was wearing a black leather jacket and black boots with block heels. The driver yelled, "Catch that girl also."