Chapter one

I woke up as early as 5 in the morning, even though my work only starts at eight. The reason why I woke up early is to gather my strength, and to be confident in front of that pervert.

I sighed while I look at the cat mask That I was holding, did Mia did that to me? I thought she was real to me.

The pain was still so fresh within me, my coworkers are still checking up on me. And it made me a little bit secured. Even our manager was not pleased about what happened that night.

But men still keeps looking for me, I don't know why they're so interested in me. I just know those men are mostly married. And I have know interest in them in just a bit.

I called an uber before going out, sighed, all three emotions eating me up. Scared, nervous, and going crazy.

"Good morning ma'am Blaire Rogers" I greeted the perverted women formally, but before I could start asking her about what to drink she grab my wrist and turned her furious look into a calm one. "Don't call me Blaire" She said.

"Jeez, you should've just said so, not grab my wrist..." I complained because her grip was surely tight!

"Yea sorry." She said while sighing heavily. "Blake, call me Blake Miss Ervann" She then turned around and uttered her morning drink. "I want Almond milk, make that hot... Like you.."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, that's a weird drink? For a busy person...

"Of course Ma'am" I then walked out of her office and almost shit myself because I don't know where the hell is the café

"Shit shit shit!" I whispered and look around, before a hand touch my shoulder and I literally lost it!

"What the heck son of a ugly crusty man!"

"Jeez, chill!" I heard a cool voice and saw a young man dress in a white t-shirt and a black baseball cap.

"And who the heck are you?" I asked rudely, I hate it when strangers touch me!

"Uh, I'm no one and what the heck are you looking for?" He cuss back, it made me roll my eyes again and sighed. "The café?!" I said

He scoffed and pointed at the right direction. "you're welcome brat!" He said before walking away. "Then Thank you Piece of sht!" I then walked away and went to the café to get some milk that the weird women ask for.

"Here you go ma'am, your hot milk" I said politely before gently putting it in her table and going back to my position which is in front and ready ti discuss her schedule fir today.

"Yea, just like you" I scoffed when she said that, what a flirty mf?

"Your schedule for this hour ma'am is only ti finish your papers and later is to talk with the law firm crew to discuss your uhh, issue with the uhh, your brother?" I cough when she looked at me, what a weird to do list she has!

After finishing all the documents Ma'am Rogers gave me I went to the café and ordered my favourite coffee, O still can't believe it, I'm finally here in my first ever job as a secretary of a mysterious women, who can literally destroy my dignity.

I sighed, is it bad to be a stripper? I looked up in the high ceiling of the café, they're café is minimalistic and very modern.

I never have this kind of job before, I just applied here out of frustration about my previous job. And I never expected to be here because of my lack of experience,but look at me now? Dress in my decent cloths and formal hair and makeup.

However I'm still doubting myself, I'm now working in a new environment, and what I genuinely hate the most is meeting new people.

Nobody really approached me here yet, I don't know they must be gossiping behind my back if they know my lack of experience and now that I'm working as a secretary of this mysterious women.

"Damn, this must be really something" I whispered to myself before standing up and going back to that mysterious woman's office.

"Miss me?" I then heard her malicious voice after I opened her fancy door. I sighed and gave her an expression saying 'nah' and looked at her name written on top of her fancy table. "Blake Rogers" I uttered.

She smirked and nodded proudly. "That's me"she proudly said and continued doing her job, but still smirking.

" Okay, ma'am-"She cut me off and sighed very heavily, I then looked at her and gave her a questionable look." I had enough of that Ma'am of yours Miss Ervann"My heart stopped when she stood up, damn she's tall!

And slender too, I breathe heavily and looked up, her wig seems very fake up close.

" I prefer being called Sir if you already didn't notice Miss Ervann"

"Are you that blind?"

She said those last words in my fucking neck, her breath was so hot, it gave me the shivers and I immediately clench my thighs together that made her chuckle.